Thursday, March 27, 2008

Hannah W's Romance Chapter

Romance Novel Chapter:

Wesley stood silently facing the two identical doors. He could hear the cheers of the crowd behind him…their thundering chant echoing the thumping of his own heart. Perspiration broke out on his forehead as the sun beat down on him. He knew which he would pick, he had always known. It was a noble way to die, with his love watching from the throne above. She would know how much he loved her…it would be written in his blood. On the other hand life waited behind the other door. He took a step towards it then paused.
He remembered Margaret’s words this morning – it had been the last time he would ever hold her. “Wesley, if you choose the door on the right you will live. No harm will come to you. Father, will merely have you sent to a far off place.”
He had stroked her long dark hair, “What use is living if I am without you? What is a body without a soul? No, love, I would die everyday if that were the price of loving you.”
She had wept in his arms, “Wesley, you must live! How am I to go on without you? I would be happy and free if only I knew you were alive – far away, but still alive.”
“Margaret, my love, death cannot separate you and me. Your father merely frees my spirit from its mortal cage so that I will be with you always.”
Then they heard the sound of the guards footprints, their time together was over. He felt the softness of her hand has she was pulled from him. He breathed deeply and listened as she wept down the hall.
Now the only sound which met his ears was the angry bellows of the dragon on his left. He clenched his fist at his side; death had finally come to him. Approaching the door on his left, he paused with his hand on the knob he turned to face the crowd. Time seemed to freeze as the onlookers stared in stunned silence. Some still sat while others had risen to their feet. His own heart skipped a beat then slowed until he thought it might have stopped all together. Finally his searching eyes found his mark, his lovely Margaret, his beautiful princess. She sat rigidly her full lips parted in an expression of horror. Then their eyes met. Her’s pleaded with him to turn back, to choose life. He smiled at her as though to say: “good bye, my love.”
Realizing what was about to happen silent tears poured from the young princess’ eyes. Then he spoke to the crowd, to her father, to the gods themselves, “And so I die for love!” Gathering strength from her beauty he turned from her…from life itself. He swiftly pulled open the door and rushed inside pulling the door shut behind him. The crowd gasped as a fierce roar came from behind the shut door followed by bone chilling scream… then nothing…all was silent.

1 comment: said...

Aww, that was very sad, Hannah. But very good too. It was amazing how he chose to die whether than live but be separated from her forever. I does show how devoted he was to her. Its a shame he had to die, though. Great job.

Your friend,