Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Deanna's Romance Chapter

Once upon a time there was a beautiful young woman name Alexis. She was a kind, sweet and loveable person. One day while she was riding her horse name Cherry she spotted a handsome young man standing afar he was about 5’9 with brown hair to about his shoulder and had the most beautiful blue eyes she’d ever seen. Being who she was which was not the shy type she decided to ride her horse over there to start a conversation and try to get to know him better. As she approached him she realized he had a mark on his face this type of mark which was the letters KOD she was familiar with it stood for Knight Of Dark. She instantly became even more attracted to him because she knew he was a knight and could protect her from anything. “Hello there” she said to the gentlemen he turned around and with his deep voice said “Hi thy pretty one my name is Ackubar and you my pretty one?” as her face turned bright red as she was flattered he called her pretty she replied “ my name is Alexis” from there on there conversation blossomed and they spent every minute they could together the only problem was Alexis hadn’t mentioned to her new love that her previous love interest was a knight to who had got took to prison and had recently fled and was no where to be fount. This scared Alexis she knew he would be coming after her to possibly kill her because she didn’t want to be with him and he wouldn’t have it no other way if she couldn’t be with him she wouldn’t be with any one. One day as Alexis and Ackubar rode there horses to a remote location to have a little bit of time alone they noticed a big white horse in the distance behind them, but they decided to pay it no attention. As they got to the location they had been waiting to get to Ackubar got off his horse and begun to help Alexis get off hers when the white horse begun to approach them. “Oh no” Alexis screamed “so you thought u could just leave me my dear and I would be fine with it” the mystery man said “who is this Alexis?” Ackubar said it took her a minute and then the words came out of her mouth “ this is my previous love my dear he wont leave me alone don’t worry my love where no longer as one” Ackubar quickly turned to the gentleman and told he to leave and once the man didn’t move at all so Ackubar begun to take his knife out and so did the other man. “Oh no please don’t fight I do not want to see thy blood shed because of me” Alexis said. As they fought one hit after another the man finally got hit with the sword straight to the chest he fell slowly to the ground he was died and Alexis and Ackubar never had to worry about him again they live happily in there village for the rest of there lives and soon started a family together.


fairy tale_ girl said...

Deanna, what an awesome story! You kept my attention the whole time. You transitioned into her past lover very smoothly and ended with a happy life with her Knight now. Keep up the good work! Great job!


doneishafreeze@hotmail.com said...

Deanna, I totally agree with Shea. It was an awesome story. I love it. Everybody in this class is so creative including you! :) I enjoyed it very much. Keep up the good work and writings.

Your friend and writing buddy,
Doneisha :)