Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Katiann's Romance Chapter

Romance Chapter

Katiann Mazzagatti
English 4 B
Mr. Arman

This is the first time that Colby had been back to his home town since he left for college 10 years ago. He was now back in his small town, it was still picture perfect, nothing had changed; yet for Colby it was a haunting perfect. All of his memories belonged to this town. His heart and soul resided in it. Generations of his family lived in this town. As a child he would walk down to the drug store that his grandfather owned. He would sit at the counter and eat the candy out of the jar. His whole life used to be this town, but now he had a different life. He had left his old life and started a new one. Colby was now a successful business man. He ran a publishing company in Chicago. Everything he was was different, yet it was still the same.

Colby sat in the local coffee shop; the one that he had been in so many times before, but this time it felt different. Everything felt different for Colby; although nothing in the town had changed, he had. Colby sat in the same booth by the same window he had always sat. He just sat there watching the people and the town he once knew. Suddenly someone caught his eye. It was Sadie Rivers. The minute he saw her walk by the antique shop across the street, his heart skipped a beat. Sadie had been his love for so many years. She had been perfect to him, and she always would be.

Years and years of memories rushed back to Colby; taking up every thought he had. The feelings and thoughts overwhelmed him. He thought back to that warm summer night in her backyard. It was their junior year in high school; that year held so many precious memories for Colby, ones that he would never forget. They were lying beneath the stars by the big old oak in Sadie’s backyard. Side by side they would just lie there, staring up at the stars, talking, and thinking. They had some of their best conversations there. Anytime they needed to do some thinking, they would go to that very spot. That spot by the big oak tree held so much value, more value then any new house could offer.

He thought back to that one night, when they lied there talking about their futures. They had planned such a great future together. They were going to go to the local university. Sadie was going to be a nurse and Colby was going to be math teacher. They were going to stay in their town and raise a family there. They talked about their futures together a lot. Even though they were just kids that didn’t know what the future held, they always said no matter what, they would always have each other. Colby remembered that night so clearly. He remembered every word they spoke that night.
They were lying there in their spot and Colby turns over and rests his head on his hand. He just stares at Sadie for awhile and then finally says, “Do ever think about getting out of this town? Starting a new life in an exciting new place?” Sadie just lied there for second, then turned and looked at Colby, “No. This place is exciting to me. This is my home; it has everything I could ever want. It has you.” “But we could go together!” Colby exclaimed, “We could pack up go to a college out of state and start new lives.” “I don’t want a new life,” said Sadie, “I like my life.” They both lied back down. Sadie moved closer to Colby, resting her head on his shoulder, “As long as I have this town and you, I have all that I need,” Sadie softly said. They both just lied there, without saying anything. Sometimes they didn’t need to say anything; just being with each other was enough.

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