Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Zachary's Romance Chapter

Romantic Novel Chapter

Rich: “Hey Eric, where’s Adam been?”

Brent: “Yeah, he has not come to any of our weekly meetings in months”

Derrick: “Nor has he called me in months, man.”

Rich: “Me either.”

Brent: “Nor me.”

Eric: “Adam is (Eric throws his hands in the air to illustrate what he trying to say) … his head in the clouds. I went to house the other day. Guess what I found?”

Brent: “What?”

Eric: “He let me in the house, took me to his room all the while blabbing on about some new revelation he had discovered. Once in his room, he showed me all the books on his bookshelf. Guess what kind of books they were?”

Rich: “Science Fiction?”

Brent: “History?”

Derrick: “Sappy Romance novels?”

(Eric, Brent, and Rich slap Derrick on the back on the head and called him an idiot, imbecile, and moron.)

Eric: “No! He had medieval book on chivalry, courtly love, knighthood, the Middle Ages and Dragons. Then! Then he started to speak to me about how he was going to open every door for every girl at school in order to impress them with his ‘courtly love.’ Furthermore he was talking as if he was Shakespeare.”

(Hysteric laughter prevailed throughout the room)

Derrick (chuckling): “What he do next?”

Eric: “He took me to the mall and proceeded to show me all the rude and ungentlemanly conduct. (More chuckles) He pointed out this one guy who opened a door for himself but he let it close in the face of this woman carrying a stack of boxes and other things, and she ran into it dumping everything in her hand. Then he said to me, ‘Eric my boy, that is what I speakest of, I whilst show thy how a gentlemen treat a proper woman.’ He walked over to her, helped her pick up her boxes and stuff, helped her carry her stuff, and then opened the door for her so she could walk unhindered. I saw him a few minutes later as they came out of the store, Adam kissed her hand and bowed, probably speaking words of love or something because one moment she had a smile on her face, the next, she slapped him in the face and walked away in a huff.”

(Laughter once again prevailed throughout the room)

Brent: “What is wrong with him?”

Derrick: “What an idiot”

Rich: “Listen up guys, if we don’t do something about this now we may never get the Adam we know and love back.”

Derrick: “True.”

Brent: “What do you suppose we do?

Derrick: “We could tie him up in the closet over there and tickle him until he either stops this madness or wets his pants (laughs hysterically).”
Eric, Brent, Rich (say simultaneously): “No! What are you stupid?” (They smack Derrick with newspapers and magazines)

Brent: “We could steal his books and hide them.”

Rich: “Or we could sell them.”

Eric: “I have an even better idea. We could tie him up in the closet over there and tickle him until he either stops this madness or wets his pants.”

Rich: “Yeah, that’s a good plan.”

Brent: “Couldn’t of thought of a better plan myself”

Derrick (scratches his head): “That’s what I said.”

Eric: “But wait there’s more. Next, we steal all his books on Chivalry, Middles Ages, and Courtly love and burn them in front of him.”
Rich and Brent (simultaneously say): “Good plan when do we start!”

Derrick: (Still scratching his head contemplates how the others liked Eric’s plan and can’t figure out why the others didn’t accept his plan we he said it, but accepted it when Eric said it.)

Eric: “Gather around boys, its time to start planning.” (They group together discuss how they were going to pull it off. Occasionally whacking Derrick on the head for his bird brained ideas.)


fairy tale_ girl said...

Zak! Only you would think of tying some poor guy up in a closet and tickling him until he wet himself. lol....great story line. I like how you set up who was saying what to who. That helped a lot and is a big asset in reading a piece and writing. Sometimes people forget to use quotations and it confuses the reader who said what. Yours is the first to be formatted this way and I found it very easy to read. Great Job! Holding doors open for the ladies....*grins* you probably don't have any idea just how much that is romantic. So rare these days to find a "true" gentlemen. Even the smallest gestures can make a girl fall head over her heels! Awesome!


doneishafreeze@hotmail.com said...

Zach, I agree with Shea about everything. That was an awesome story and it was so hilarious. All of you McKibbens are most definely creative in your own individual ways.

Your friend and writing buddy,
Doneisha :)

Jewel_girl said...

Cute, Zaky, real cute. Derrick's my favorite. Poor guy... :)
