Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Hazel's Romance Chapter

Sir Panza

In the castle of King Sarbaro there was a man who worked in the stables of the noblemen. He seemed to have trouble remembering things, so for what he didn’t remember, his mind would make up for him. His name was Amarillo Panza. One night, Panza, while cleaning out the stables, forgot why he was even there. His mind had been failing him a lot recently. Why, it was just last week he was convinced that he was the daughter of a Swedish duchess!

“Who am I?” he pondered for a minute. “Oh, that’s right!” He exclaimed. “I’m a knight!” Pausing again he considered, “but where is my squire?” He thought, and his mind as usual continued filling in the blanks.. “Oh, he was killed by a mighty dragon. I had forgotten,” he said solemnly. “I guess I’ll have to complete my knightly duties alone.” He was filled with new determination. He gathered a broom handle; to be his lance, a metal pail; to serve as his helmet, and lastly saddled up a black horse.

Amarillo rode the horse to the servants entrance of the castle. Coming out just at that moment was a servant from the kitchen. “I say, milord, what is your name?” The servant looked around confused only to find that he and Amarillo were the only two outside at the time. He pointed to himself in confusion. “Yes, what is your name?” The “knight” asked once again.
“Bob,” he stated flatly. He was obviously to taken aback by the man’s strange appearance, behavior, and questions to say much else.
“I see, lord Bob.” Amarillo dismounted his horse, and took a low bow.
“Lord Bob?” Now the servant was completely confused. “I’m no noble, my good sir.”
“Did you not just now exit the castle?” Amarillo asked.
“Well, I did, yes.”
“Then you must be a king!” Amarillo continued bowing.
Lowering his voice to a whisper Bob said, “Th-that just isn’t true, sir!” Waving his hands in disagreement. “Speak no more of this, for if we are heard, we will both be executed for blasphemies against King Sarbaro!”
“Only Kings live in castles!” the self-proclaimed knight explained. Bob tried to interrupt, but was cut off. “Besides, I can tell by your chin and physique, that you are most definitely of royal blood!” Amarillo smiled and kneeled as Bob rubbed at his unshaven chin. “Hail, king Bob!” he shouted.
“Sh! Sh! Sh!” Bob hushed him. “Quiet! Some one will hear!”
“Let it be known to the world for all I care, my king! For I am a knight who is far more chivalrous than any other knight.” Bob’s heart raced, he was beginning to feel his palms sweat with nervousness. “My lord, what shall I do for you? Send me on a quest.”
Bob quickly thought up a lie to save himself and get rid of this insane man! “Take your steed and ride to the north! You’ll know what to do… Go!”
“Gidd’yep, Goldylocks!” the knight shouted to his horse. Determined, the brave Sir Amarillo Panza rode on. He rode for hours before coming upon a large dragon in the middle of a town far from his own, and many people trapped by the dragon’s massive presence.
Thinking quickly, the knight took the pail from his head, and gathered water from a nearby fountain. In a show of courage, he quickly ran at the dragon, splashing his snout with the pail of water. Smoke came from is nose like a campfire that had been freshly put out.
“You foolish man!” cried a woman from nearby.
“What? Woman, I just saved you from certain death!” Amarillo proclaimed.
“Thanks to you our picnic is ruined! This dragon was going to use his breath to cook our bread and pies!” The woman rubbed her forehead in frustration.
Sir Amarillo Panza was banished from the town. He hung his head in shame as he mounted his horse. “Lets go Goldylocks.” he said quietly to his horse.

While heading back to tell his king about his terrible failure, he found a woman sitting by a river. She had long hair the color of the sun’s rays, and eyes the color of a blue jay’s wings. She was the most beautiful thing he had laid eyes on.
“Hello there, fair maiden, what is your name?” Amarillo asked in a soothing tone, as he dismounted his horse. .

As the women looked over the oddly dressed man she said, “I do not think it would be smart of me to tell you.” She spoke with a tone low and rumbling like a bubbling bog. A strange voice, indeed to be coming out of a woman!
“Then I shall address you as Rosella!” He spoke proudly, with a voice of confidence. “And my dear Rosella, you shall be my lady.” He kissed her hand gently, only to receive a slap on both cheeks afterwards. Though her hand appeared graceful and delicate, she hit with the force of a skilled oarsman. “That hurt, my dear Rosella.” He blinked at her, as his eyes filled with tears.
“Rosella isn’t my name!” She cried. “And I don’t even know you!” She gasped.
“I am Sir knight Amarillo Panza… humbly at your service.” He smiled sweetly, though his image was ruined by the bucket on his head, the broom handle at his side.
“You? A knight?” She laughed loudly.
“Do not speak, my dear. For your beauty will only be ruined by it.” He embraced her as though she were his lover. The girl made an irritated face at him. What was he doing? This man was certainly crazy!
“I’m married.” She stated flatly.
“Isn’t it wonderful?” He smiled sweetly. His mind filling in details for him again. “I’m so glad that we did get married after all!” the gasp she made at this statement was not so much from what he said but that he was gripping her tighter and tighter around the waist.
“For us to be able to spend time together like this? Do you not think it great?” He dramatically waved his free hand off to the side as the young maiden struggled against him. “That you, a lowly commoner, would be married to a man of great nobility and strength such as me?” He laughed loudly and with much pride.
The maiden reached for the broomstick at his side, and once she had a good hold on it, she brought it up and struck him on the back of the head. The shock caused him to release her. She struck him twice on the calves, and cursed loudly at him. “Ye, verily, I have been defeated by my own weapon!” He held up his arms in defense, and backed away. “If it is what my dear lady wishes, then I shall leave.”
The woman crossed her arms and tossed the stick at him. “Thank goodness,” she sighed.
“But fear not, my love! I shall return to you one day.” He promised as he tied the broom handle back to his side, and hopped onto his horse. With a wave farewell he was off, thinking only of his fair maiden, Rosella.
On his way back to the kingdom, he found a village in chaos! A well known evil warlock by the name of Vic Mignogna was cackling as he used his magic staff to burn down the houses of the innocent townspeople!
Amarillo mustered up all of his courage; this was going to be one mighty battle. He could possibly die. But if it meant saving these poor people, he had to chance it. It was his duty as a knight.
People ran this way and that way as Sir Amarillo Panza charged with great speed at the evil sorcerer. Flames and ember swayed about in the harsh wind that blew from the mouth of the magician with each powerful laugh, Sir Panza could feel sweat pouring down his brow as the seconds went by in slow motion. Vic Mignogna slowly turned his head, just as our brave knight reached out with his broom stick. Suddenly time began to catch up with itself, as Amarillo struck the warlock on his left temple! The evil magician fell to the ground unconscious. Panza looked about as townspeople began to calm down, realizing that the wizard had been defeated.
“Who has defeated Sir Mingogna!?” cried out a strong farmer in glee. “Sir, was it you? Did you save us?” asked the man, while pointing a think calloused finger towards Amarillo Panza.
Sir Panza would have happily taken the credit… had he remembered who he was. But as it were, he had once again forgotten his identity.
“Not I, sir.” Amarillo said with a simple shake of the head. “I’m just a plain old stable worker.” Nobody in the village had seen their savior, but he was standing amongst them all, now calling himself a commoner! He would never be praised for his heroic acts, nor would he be known as Sir Knight Amarillo Panza ever again.

The End.


doneishafreeze@hotmail.com said...

Wow, Abi. That was an awesome story. I love it. It was funny and a little serious too. You did a great job on it. Keep it up!

Your friend and writing buddy,
Doneisha :)

Jewel_girl said...

Awww, too bad no one would ever know what he did. I loved it, Abi. You did a really great job.
