Sunday, March 9, 2008

Grace's Romance Chapter

Having not heard from his wife in a few days, Detective Lancelot was not yet getting worried due to her sometimes taking long trips for business. He was starting to wonder though what was taking so long. With a cup of coffee in hand he opened his front door to get his newspaper only to find a tiny note the size of sticky note javelined to other side which stated:
“BAHH! I’m Charlemagne the Giant; I traveled to your back yard via beanstalk and kidnapped your wife for she is the prettiest damsel in all the land! I wish to marry her and if you wish to keep her then DUEL YOU MUST! I will be in the corner fields at 9 o’clock tonight!”
With a gasp Detective Lancelot dropped his coffee running to his room to prepare for his battle. After showering and shaving he throws on his bulletproof vest, pants, boots, and a shiny silver plated medieval helmet and runs out the front door grabbing the javelin as he leaves. Lancelot unties his trusty steed that looks as though he should have passed a few years back but still is running strong. He then mounts his horse and rides off down the street the clip-clopping echoing through the houses.
Hours pass before he reaches the fields and when he does the giant is already waiting for him with Lancelot’s wife in one grizzly hand and a javelin in the other. “BAH! I am surprised you actually showed up you puny little maggot. Prepare to die you fool!” the giant screamed as he set Mrs. Lancelot gently on the ground and began to charge the detective. Lancelot nudged his steed and began to race towards the giant in a fit of rage and glory…

2 comments: said...

That was a great story, Grace. I like it. He really cares for his wife, you can tell. My only question is...WHAT HAPPENS? Does he win or does he loss? He wins. Hopefully. You sure know how to create suspence in a story. Great Job!

Your Friend and writing buddy,
Doneisha :)

Jewel_girl said...

Really cute, Grace. That was a unique idea puting Lancelot into modern times. Like, D. I'm curious about the ending, too. Please tell us!!! :)
