Thursday, March 13, 2008

Stefan's Romance Chapter

The Story of Sir Phil- Romance Novel Chapter.

Sir Phil of Punxsutawney was a knight of the utmost respect, honor, and chivalry. Loved by all in his land he was revered as the ultimate man. One thing that man did not possess though was a true love. Aware of this missing necessity to have the perfect woman by his side, he set on a quest to find such a love, to find a woman that was as much a woman as he was a man. And so he set out on this quest to search the length and breadth of Pennsylvania to find the woman that already possessed his heart.
Coming up the one of many hills outside kingdom he noticed a castle at the top. Riding his glorious stallion as fast as the water pours out of the sky during the summer rains, he charged up the hill to the fortress where his beauty awaited his presence! Arriving at the home sword drawn he noticed something peculiar about the walls that parted him from his future of happiness.
When he rode closer he saw that they were made from old car parts, satellite dishes, bathtubs, rope, plywood, McDonalds wrappers, tin cans and even road kill. Startled at the ingeniously crafted but very peculiar structure he called at the top of his voice in the deepest tone he could muster from his inwards, “Fine lady, it is I Sir phil of Punxsutawney who has come to take you to be my wife!” Awaiting the soft tone of his beautiful bride all he received was silence. Nothing but the wind blowing over the well-crafted structure answered his call.
Peering up at the sun, which shone through mufflers and raccoon bones, Sir Phil began to do what he had never done before. After exhaling softly he began to cry, not for himself but the lady who was meant to be but never was. Sobbing in his hands he felt the presence of something gigantic behind him and then noticed the shadow of something huge and hairy! Just then he heard a sound he never heard before, a gunshot, blasting something behind him! Looking back a gigantic bear stood baffled with a bullet hole in the head. Backwards it fell creating a depression in the earth.
In shock and amazed Sir Phil turned to peer up at the massive walls and was surprised to see a figure standing before him. Elegant and beautiful a lady dressed in white held a shotgun in her right hand. “Nearly had you didn’t he” she commented softly. “Why yes he did my fair lady, and now I see it was me who needed rescuing, not you” he replied. “Right you are sir, now come help me hoist this beast into my castle, we’ll need fresh meat for our wedding, won’t we” she said. “Yes we will” he answered softly.”
Sir Phil found his love and lost his ego all in one shot. And so the two got married and dare I say, lived happily ever after.


fairy tale_ girl said...

Stefan, I love your story. The twist that you put in your chapter was like none other that I have read so far. Maybe because I am a female myself, but I liked the fact that it was she who "saved" her prince rather than having the Prince always rescueing the princess in the castle. Reading this was fresh to me. Not that I dont like having the prince save the princess but this was very new! Great JOb!


Jewel_girl said...

Haha! Great job, Stefan. I'm standing with Shea on this. I definitely like that she was the hero of the hour instead of him. :)
