Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Taryn's Romance Chapter

Sun rose high in the afternoon sky, a young lad by the name of Gair, a name meaning small, odd for a lad standing of over six feet tall, worked in the fields outside the home his family rented from a noble knight and his family. His name was given to him by the knight, who had proclaimed that he name the first son born unto his parents.
Gair looked across the fields to the humble home he shared with his parents, six brothers, and two sisters, he tried to think what it would be like to be able make some grander life for them all; and as he thought the noble knight Sir Ard-Greimne appeared, riding his valiant steady upon the dusty road, probably to collect tax money his parents really did not have to spare.
Then it struck him, a knight! That’s it! He would become a knight and change his family lives forever more! Once noble, his family would be rich and would never go hungry again. As he was jumping up and down and shouting with revelation, Sir Ard-Greimne rode by him spraying him with pebbles and dust, Gair coughed and sputtered but didn’t care, he knew what he had to do; if was the last thing he did, he would make his family noble and be rid of Sir Ard-Greimne once and for all! The man was anything but noble, in fact Gair hoped he choked oh his fancy food one day, then maybe he’d relies how precious life was.
That night as his family slept Gair laid awake planning his rise to fame, he would need a new name, a horse, a name for that horse, a lady love, he already had one in mind, armor, and sword. He knew where to find the suit of armor and sword, his father had one from the war he had been forced to fight for the English, it was one of the things they had let him keep. He rose from his bed and went to remove it from its hiding place in the stable. As the night waned he cleaned and polished the armor till it shined, or at least it shined as much as rusty armor could, from years of neglect the armor was as rusty as a well bucket, but the sword looked brand new, that was good enough for him.
Next on his quest was to find a fine stead to carry him where ever he fancied, he knew this job would not be easy, for he would have to steal this fine stead from someone else, for he had no money in which to buy one. He knew it was not a very noble thing to do but what could he do with no horse, nothing! Absolutely nothing! So the next night he snuck out of the house and went on a search. He decided his best bet was to travel to one of the knight’s homes and steal a horse from them, they would have plenty to spare and would not miss one of many.
Finally he came upon a fancy home, surrounded by a great stone wall and its only entrance appeared to be an iron gate. Gair climbed up onto to the gate, as he tried to swing over, he ended up flat on his face on the other side with a big oomph! He slowly rose on to his knees, shook his head and looked around, realizing what he was doing again, he quickly hide among the bushes. He peeked out and looked around, seeing the area clear, he took off for the stable, all the while thinking this knight must be brainless not to have guards anywhere. Once at the stable entrance he found the door ajar, he peered in a saw a young maiden standing in the middle aisle talking sweetly to one of the valiant steeds. He stood and stared, he could not take his eyes from her, she was gorgeous, and her voice so soft. Unfortunately during this process of star stuckness he failed to notice a guard sneaking up behind him, the guard grabbed him from behind and a scuffle began. With Gair being taller and slighter then the guard, he was able to slide from his grasp, he ran into the stable slamming then door in guards face. He leaned against the door, he could hear the guard shouting for help and feel the door rattling with each bang as the guard threw himself against the door, he turned pick a horse to use for escape and as his new fine stead, and was struck in the head with something really hard.
When he came too the young maiden stood over him, shovel in hand, “why’d thee hit me, I meant thee no harm,” he asked rubbing his the sore spot on his head.
She said unto him, “Thee is a stranger and I am not to be out here at night”, then muttering under her breath, “or at anytime for that matter”. Then louder again, “I am a Lady Kathleen daughter of Sir Brian of Ireland.” “Who is thee?”
“I am Sir Ailin of Ireland as well.” he said quickly.
“If thee is a lord why is thee sneaking around at this hour, and on our property?” she asked.
“I lost my trusty stead, I am looking for him.” he said while slowly standing up.
“Well yull not find ‘em here, all these horse belong to my Da.” she proclaimed while slowly backing away until she hit the stall wall. “If thee wished to find thy horse thee should have waited until morning and asked to look around.” “And if thee is such a lord why is thee dressed so?” “Nay you cana be a lord a’tall.” “Thy is a commoner looking to steal, aren’t thee?” she said waving the shovel around.
“Nay, I am no commoner, but thee is right about stealin’ though. I came to steal a fine stead in hopes of restoring my title. For my title, riches, and stead were taken for me when I came from Ireland, but a year ago. I cana live like this anymore. That is why I have come.” he said.
“Then be gone. Leave before they break through the door and hang thee for trespassing and threat of stealin.” she said.
“I shall, but I will never make it back to the gate without being caught without a fine stead. May I please take one, surely your Da has no need for all of them.” he said.
“Nay. Many are just left here in their stalls all the time.” She was thoughtful for a moment. “I know which one thee can have! He never uses him or at least he hasn’t since I was young. He is still strong and will serve thee well. Follow me.” she replied.
The guards were now close to being through the stable doors. “We must move in haste.” she said. “All his tack is there quickly fetch it.” He did her bidding then they quick saddled the horse together. Once mounted he turned to her and said, “Thee is the most wondrous lady I have ever known. I ask thee to be my lady love. I shall one day return and claim thee as my own, for evermore.” Before she could reply the guards burst through the door and Gair, I mean Sir Ailin, rode off into the predawn light.


doneishafreeze@hotmail.com said...

Taryn, that was awesome. I love it. You are creative too. No surprises there, I guess. Are all of you McKibbens this creative and so good at writing stories?

Your friend and writing buddy,
Doneisha :)

Jewel_girl said...

Lol, D. We just like to read alot. It gives our imaginations big workouts. :)

Taryn, I loved this. You just had a couple spelling, tense, and punctuation mistakes here and there, but otherwise it's great!

