Sunday, March 9, 2008

Tammy's Romance Chapter

The Long Journey Home

The leaves on the trees were slowly changing, and falling off which was a sign that fall was drawing nearer. John was out in the barn, getting the horses fed while I was getting the children fed and off to school. “John breakfast is ready.” I had called out to the barn. “Ok, I’ll be there in a few moments Catherine.” Said John. After the children ate, and had left I was washing the dishes when John said he needed to talk to me. “Come have a seat.” I walked over and sat down. “They are calling for a bad winter, the frost we had lost a quarter of the crop all ready.” “What are you saying John?” “I’m going to Brick wood to work for a couple weeks to a few months to work.” “John say it isn’t so” I pleaded with him.” Catherine you know I have to, to get us money, food and suppliers. While I’m out here I’m going to by a few chickens on my way back.” I sat there and cried as he told me. “When do you leave?” I asked “Two days, I better get to the mill, and get the orders done.”
“Is anyone going with you?” I asked, before he left. “A couple other men from town are going also.”
The day had been dreading, the day John had to leave. “Do you have everything you need?” I asked “Yes, and don’t worry I’ll write you.” He said while he hugged me good-bye. “Bye kids, you listen to your mother while I’m gone.” I stood there and watched as John had left.
A month and a half had pasted, and I had received a couple letters. The last letter I received had said that it was taken longer the expected and that he would have to stay a little longer. I was preparing dinner while the children were out playing. “DADDY’S HOME!” yelled Clara. I ran outside and saw John riding up to the house. I ran as fast as I could to hug him. “I’m so glad to see you John!” I shouted “Me too Catherine, me too.” As he hugged me.” We got to leave early to see our families since we had gotten the job done early.” He told me.

2 comments: said...

Wow, Tammy. A very touching story indeed. I love it. You can feel the sadness in Catherine when John says he's leaving for a little while and the excitement when little Clara sees Daddy coming home.

One little mistake you made: instead of writing "buy" as in to buy something which is what you orginally intended, you write "by" as in I'll be by your house later.

I enjoyed it a lot. Great Job!

Your Friend and writing buddy,
Doneisha :)

Jewel_girl said...

This was beautiful, Tammy, and, like Doneisha said, very touching. You can really connect with Catherine and her emotions about her husband. Great job, hun.
