Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Mary's Romance Chapter

Romance Novel Chapter
She wasn’t the princess that was fit for a knight in shining armor, but to him this peasant girl was the most beautiful woman he’d ever known. She even looked stunning in her rags for clothes. She wasn’t prisoner in a castle guarded by a fierce dragon or army; like most of his fellow knights fought for. She was a prisoner to her life style, always doing what she’s told and cleaning this and fetching that.
To see this woman of such beauty carry out these tasks for such filthy and brutal masters burnt him up inside. He must find a way to save her and make her his own. She would be his lady he would come home to after fighting a great battle. She would be the keeper of his home and mother to his future children. He needed to make a battle plan; she was under the ownership of one of the most powerful lords in the land.
He couldn’t simply buy her, to him she was priceless. In order to save his fair lady he would have to battle who ever the lord saw fit to dual. Once he was set on this plan he took the long journey to the woman’s master’s home. He laid down his offer to the lord and told him to choose any man he saw fit to fight for this beauty. He began vigorously training and pushing himself.
Even though he was a knight and had fought many battles in his day and saved many damsels in distress; this would be the most important battle of all. He watched his future lady from a distance while resting between preparing for his dual. Still he did not know who his battle enemy would be, but he knew that no matter what the size or strength of the man, his love for this woman would be strong enough to beat him.
Weeks went by and his fair lady only grew more beautiful as the day came closer to his dual. When finally the day came, all the people of the land came to see. The knight stood in the ring of sand with thousands of chanting men of all social classes surrounding him. He was anxious, his palms were sweaty and he worried of his sword slipping while he was defeating his opponent. Sweat streamed down his face as the hot sun beat down, but the sight of the beautiful peasant girl far in the stands reminded him of his strength and what he has to do to be with her.


Jewel_girl said...

Awesome work, Mary. I really love it. You just had a few profreading mistakes: toward the end of the story, you switched verb tenses, and you spelled "duel" as "dual". Other than that, you did an excellent job! And I'm curious about the outcome. Did he win? Tell me. *jumps up and down* Please, please, please! :)


doneishafreeze@hotmail.com said...

Mary, that was an awesome story. I really loved it too. The mistake that Jade mentioned is also the one and only mistake I show. Great job. I too am curious about the outcome. Did he win? Hopefully, he did because he deserved to since he went for her and not some princess or someone else of higher rank.

Your friend and writing buddy,
Doneisha :)