Wednesday, March 5, 2008

Doneisha's Folk Tale

The Magician

Once all the world was filled with ordinary and extraordinary people. The extraordinary people were magicians whose numbers weren’t many and the ordinary people feared them. Most of the magicians were killed by soldiers of the king because the people knew that magic was against the Bible and this was real magic they were doing not those silly card or coin tricks that kids play but every once and awhile another one would be born. The ordinary people wondered why God allowed magicians to be born but they never got an answer. What made it even worse was it wasn’t just the magicians being killed. Many ordinary people were killed by magicians. And so the cycle continued.

A young woman of eighteen quietly walked down the darkened hall of the church. She stopped at the second to last door and slowly turned the knob. The door swung open and so she entered. There was a man dressed all in brown sitting at his desk reading a scroll and taking notes. He was preparing for Sunday Mass in the morning. She approached his desk and watched him for a moment. He was so into what he was doing he didn’t even know she was there.
“I’m leaving this town, sir,” she said.
Rabbi Edward nearly fell out of his seat. As he put his hand over his speeding heart, he said, “don’t do that to me, Aurora. You know how weak my heart is”
“I’m sorry, sir. I didn’t mean to nearly give you a heart attack,” she said and then gave him her most innocent smiled.
“That’s quite alright, Aurora,” he said as he righted himself on the chair. “Now, why are you leaving?”
“Because I’m just causing trouble for this town and you know as well as I do that the people don’t want me here anyway.”
There was nothing he could say to her because he did know she was right. The people had tolerated her this long but eventually even their patience would run out. You see, it’s not that she’s really causing any real problems it’s just she’s one of the dreaded magicians and by law any magician that is found with real magical powers most be killed. But Aurora is a different kind of magician. When she was four she accidentally killed her parents, no other magician ever recorded as ever done that. And besides that’s a day he will never forget.
It was at the end of the day and the sun was just setting. It cast the most brilliant light as it was going down and just as the last of the sun’s rays left the horizon there was a big explosion and a bright red light came from the meadow area where the Starlights’ lived. Everybody rushed to the meadow, saying prays and hoping that the Starlights were okay but upon arrival the area where their house and yard use to be was a disaster. There was nothing left of the house anywhere. A quick search showed that Mr. and Mrs. Starlight were not there but in the middle of where their house use to be was their little girl. Everyone thought she was dead but a closer inspection show that she was still alive. In fact, she was fast asleep sucking her thumb. The people wondered how this could have happened and the only explanation was that little Aurora was a magician but that couldn’t be right because magicians didn’t get there powers and/or start showing them until they were at least seventeen or eighteen. The people didn’t know what they were going to do. By law every magician found must be turned over to the authorities for execution but what of a little four years old girl that shouldn’t even have powers. Shouldn’t they turn her over or keep this fact hidden from them? Should they even keep her in this town? And if so how often will this level of destruction happen? The people couldn’t decide what to do so they turned to Rabbi Edward.
“We will not turn her over to the authorities. Only God knows what they would do and it would not sit with me well if a four years old was killed. Besides the Starlights were one of the most devoted to this town and it would be a shame to betray their memory like this. I don’t think God would like that very much either. I believe that every person that is born as a purpose and those with magical powers are no exception. God does not make mistakes and he wanted those magicians born for a reason only known to him. The other Rabbis and I will take charge of her and raise her in the church.”
Rabbi Edward has never regretted that day. He was glad that he had chosen to save and raise her for she was brilliant in everything she did, respected everyone even if they were rude or cruel to her, and had an open-mind and good sense when it came to new ideas. He knew that God had big plans for her.
He sighed, knowing it was time to let her go. “If that is what you think will be best than you can leave. I can’t stop you and I wouldn’t anyways. Maybe it’s for the best that you do. I have never doubted your ideas. I will miss you though because you were like daughter to me.”
“Thank you, sir for everything. I know you took a huge risk in raising me. Truth be told, I will miss you too because you were like a father to me and you taught me everything I know about God and his love. I’m already packed and ready to go. I just wanted to tell you how much I appreciate everything you have done for me.”
She turned and walked to the door. As she was about to close it behind her, she turns back to him and said, “Do you want to see me off or will that be too sad for you?”
“I would love to see you off, Aurora. Give me a moment.”
“Ok, I’ll be outside.”
When he finally got outside she was underneath the old oak tree where he had given her all her early lessons about God. She had put on her black cloak but left the hood down. As he approached her she turned to him and said, “Are you ready for me to leave.”
“As ready as I’ll ever be.”
So quietly they went though the town. It was late so everyone else was in bed. No one saw the two shadows as they went to the entrance to the town.
“Well this is it, sir. I’m sure you’ll tell everyone tomorrow at mass that I left. Thank you again for everything.”
“I hope you find whatever it is you are looking for, Aurora. I’m sorry that the people didn’t accept you as they should have. I hope that I will see you again someday.”
She had turned away and was looking at the road ahead. “Don’t worry, sir. I’ll be alright and I will come to see you. I promise.”
She turned back and gave him that innocent smile of hers. She then turned away and put her black hood up. She took two steps away from him and said so quietly that he had to strain his ears to hear, “My only wish is that the ordinary people will one day accept the extraordinary people like me. Because even though I am different I’m still human. I make mistakes like they do. I love like they do. And I hope that they see that some day.”
“God willing, Aurora. I hope that wish of yours comes true. It’s going to be hard at there. Keep as safe as you can.”
“But sir, I also see ordinary people be just as mean to other ordinary people. Why can’t we all just get along? Is that too much to ask for? That not just the ordinary people and the extraordinary people get along one day but for everyone of every town and family love their neighbors, respect the parents, and not fight over who has the most or who’s most popular. So my wish is for more than just the ordinary people accepting the extraordinary. It’s for everyone to accept everyone else for who they are and not for who has the most money.”
“You might be asking for a little too much there, Aurora.”
She turn back to look at him and with a smile asks, “I know sir but I can still wish can’t I?”
“Yes, of course you can.”
She left him standing there. As she started walking down the dusty road to only she and God knew where. He watched until the trees hide her from his view. But he still looked at the place where she had disappeared. “I pray that God will keep you safe on your journey, Aurora. It’s the least I can do.”


Jewel_girl said...

Great job, hun. I love it. You just have a few verb tense mistakes, but other than that, it's great.

If you read mine, you'll notice we both gave our lead character the same name. :) I just think that's really cool.


Daniel L said...

Occultic practices are not the same as science fiction magical powers necessarily, although they are often blended. The Jews were set apart for a reason.

The story is good. It reminds me of some stuff. If I already wrote this it must have been so bad my mind blocked it out. (nothing unusual)

- Daniel L.

Daniel L said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Beth said...

Nice story, Doneisha! I really enjoyed reading it :). Along with Jade, I did notice a few minor grammatical errors, but I liked how creative you got with it--quite interesting! What was your inspiration or thought process behind the story? Or did it just come to you? Just curious. =)


Jewel_girl said...

You did great on this, D. I love how both of our stories are so similar in moral, yet so original and carry our unique signatures. This is beautiful, hun. I agree with Bethy, this is very creative.



fairy tale_ girl said...

Great Job D! It has such a great story line to it. Maybe it would help to separate your paragraphs a little more but other than that it was awesome. Was this speaking out of experience or just thought of it out of no where? lol Just wondered. I really like to read stories with more than one meaning to them. It always makes it quite interesting. Good Job sweetie!


Jewel_girl said...

I still just absolutely love this story, D. :) I'd just love to see more of your pieces, and I can't wait to read your romance chapter. :) I also agree with Shea about seperating your paragraphs more. I'm not putting down your way of writing, but I noticed you have a slight problem with your dialogue. You didn't always make it clear who was speaking, and that sometimes takes away from the effect of the story because the reader is trying to figure out who's talking. That was a really bad habit of mine for a long time too. I had a hard time breaking it, but once I did, I found that it really enhances the story to throw those extra tidbits like the characters facial expression or tone of voice while they're speaking, or another's reaction to their words. :) Just a suggestion hun, but I still just love this story and the moral behind it.
