Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Ciprian's Romance Chapter

This chapter is dedicated to Mr. Arman and the English 4B class.

Ciprian- Hey dude, come over here for a minute. You’ve got to check Cyle out, he is acting pretty weird dude.
Jared- What are you talking about dude?
Ciprian- I am talking about Cyle, acting like he is going to find his perfect girl in a day.
Jared- Haha, dude lets tag along and see what comes out of this.
Cyle- I am going to find the most amazing girl in the world today, she is going to be smart, beautiful, athletic, and a good cook.
Ciprian- Dude, such a female doesn’t exist. You’ll be lucky to find a good cook.
Jared- Dude, I put money he doesn’t find anyone.

The three friends go out to the mall, in search of Cyle’s dream girl. When they arrive at the mall, Cyle rushes up to everyone woman in sight in the parking lot. Finally, they enter the mall, Ciprian and Jared can already feel there guts are ready to bust.

Cyle- I think the first place we’ll check is Finish Line. Finish Line always has young fit women shopping.
Ciprian- This should be good.
Jared- Dude, he is going to get beat up by a chick today.
Ciprian- I wouldn’t doubt it dude, haha.
Cyle- Running up to the first girl he sees in Finish Line, grabs her hand and gets to a knee. My fair lady, thou hast been created by an angel. For no one this beautiful can possibly have been made another way.
Ciprian- Dude, does he see the chick that he is talking to?
Jared- I think all this chivalric crap has gone to his head. I told you we should of burned his books and danced around them like Indians.
Ciprian- Haha, I just thought he liked reading the books man, never did I think that he was going to go get all chivalric with some girl at Finish Line.
Cyle- Still going on attempting to win this lady over with his eloquent tongue. My lady, be mine and I will vow to love you with a burning desire, like the utmost intensity of the sun.
Girl- As long as we go get some pizza.
Cyle- Then it is settled, we shall have our romantic pizza dinner, and live happily ever after, growing old together, and loving one another until death do us part.
Girl- Sure, can we just go get some pizza.
Cyle- Right away my lady.
Ciprian and Jared see Cyle walking out of finish line with locked arms of the girl. Instantly there jaws drop to the ground when they see Cyle holding hands with the girl.
Cyle- Well, as you can clearly see, I have found the girl of my dreams. Now we are off to a romantic pizza feast.
Ciprian- Dude, does he not have eyes? That chick is no chick, she is an old lady. Does that even classify as a girl anymore?
Jared- Haha, dude I don’t even bother asking him anymore.
Ciprian- Want to go get something to eat?
Jared- Yah dude, this has been a very stomach draining day.
Ciprian and Jared went to get something to eat, and Cyle ended up marrying the old lady he met in Finish Line. They all lived happily ever after.



doneishafreeze@hotmail.com said...

Wow, Cip. lol. That was hilarious. Great job. I loved the "should have burned his books and danced around the fire like Indians" part.
Great job.

Your friend,
Doneisha :)

Brenna M. said...

You're too darn cute, Cippie. I loved this. Had my cracking up. :P

I didn't like and the "dudes" but overall great story... Except for maybe the part about Cyle's Ideal woman being no such thing.

Giving ya a hard time
Great job, sweetie!


Brenna M. said...

Thanks for the dedication, Cippie, That was very sweet. :D

Jewel_girl said...

Great job, Cippie. It's hilarious. Totally unrealistic, but very funny. :P


Jewel_girl said...

By the way, Cippie it's "Native Americans" not "Indians". :)

fairy tale_ girl said...

How cute Cip! Great Job!
I will have you know Cippie there is such a thing as a smart, beautiful, athletic, and good cook young lady! lol...I am sure there are many of them in your english class! Such a great imagination. I loved it!


Logan Michelle said...

I really thought you did a good job it was very humorous. I didn't like all the dudes, but I love the part about burning the books and dancing around them like Indians. Over all I thought you did a great job. =]

Logan Michelle