Thursday, August 14, 2008

Monday, April 14, 2008

Mathew J's Romance Chapter

The Lost Prophet

‘It is the cold of night, and all who sleep is in their beds tucked away into a cold nights slumber, I, Don Quixote, am their only hope of ever recovering the courage and determination they need in order to get through the night. But first, I must fight my evil half twin, Leeward the Lucif. He is always attacking the village’s humanity and good will towards others, and trying to make them feel, um, stupid! So I must seek out this evil made man and stop him before he drinks all of the wine and really throws people over the edge!’

Don grabs his trusty sword of a thousand truths, his helmet of integrity, and his hello kitty blanket for the slumber that awaits him in the cold night. As he is walking down the hollow’s edge he remembers he is forgetting something. ‘Hmm, this is taking a little longer than I thought! Oh, yes, that’s right! I need a horse!’ As runs back to get his horse, Poseidon the Great, he stumbles across an old man who asks him for some wine and cheese. ‘I do not have time, my old friend, for I am off to fight my evil half twin who is disrupting the night!’ says Don Quixote. The old man looks at in him in disbelief of his ignorance and stupidity. The old man says ‘Don, don’t you realize that it is the middle of daylight, you still have your pajamas on, plus you are only walking to the barn where Lee is working on his toy car with your father? He is only 5 years old my boy, and you are a grown man. You, my friend, need some help.’ Don replies, ‘Psh, you will see, in ten years, this boy will become a dark sinister!’ And Don runs down to his house and becomes side tracked to a shiny fishing pole his father just got.

Saturday, April 12, 2008

Lydia's Essays

Folk Tale

In the year 1205 AD, Sir Bradan the Great Knight (as he was called) lived on his grand manor in the London countryside with his fair lady, the Lady Aislinn. He was a loving husband and responsible landowner. He was very handsome, very brave and mighty in battle, not to mention very chivalrous toward his wife, as well as the other court ladies. Never had there been such a sterling example of knighthood as Sir Bradan.
One day, Sir Bradan and Lady Aislinn were walking along a particularly beautiful piece of woods on their manor with a lovely stream running through it. Suddenly, Sir Bradan spotted a strange object floating in the water. He walked in to retrieve it, and it was an egg, but it was very large, about twice the size of his helmet. He lifted it out of the water, and in spite of its size, it was very lightweight. That could only mean one thing: a dragon egg. All poems and folklore described dragon eggs as such. “Come”, said Sir Bradan to his beautiful wife. “We shall take it to the manor and have the servants erect another barn for it. We will raise it and train it to live among people.”
So, once the new barn was built, the dragon egg was moved in with plenty of blankets and a fire to keep it warm. It was the middle of August, but it was starting to get a little chilly at nights. After a few weeks the ivory-colored egg hatched. The baby dragon was about one foot tall newborn, and he was beautiful. His eyes were huge and golden and his scales the color of the ocean. Sir Bradan gave him the name Cyan, which means “greenish-blue.” Even at his early age, Cyan had strong white claws and teeth, strong wings, and a sturdy build: sure signs of strength. “When Cyan grows up”, Sir Bradan thought, “he will be a mighty beast, fearsome and beautiful.”
Cyan did grow up to be mighty and beautiful. When he was two months old he learned to talk. He would follow Lady Aislinn all around the castle, just talking to her about different things. When he was six months old he was seven feet tall. At this age, Sir Bradan started taking him along on hunting trips. Now, Cyan was one year old and full grown, measuring ten feet tall. His wings had grown to their full awe-inspiring size, each measuring eight feet long, which created a breathtaking figure in flight. When he spoke, his voice sounded like music, and when he sang, it was something surreal. His claws and teeth were even stronger and whiter. His muscles were huge, and his ocean-colored scales grew more vibrant and his golden eyes shone even more as he matured. A more magnificent, gorgeous living thing was never seen.
After another year came a time of war. Sir Bradan was away from the manor much of the time fighting dangerous and brutal battles. Cyan was just as powerful and beautiful as ever. One evening, Sir Bradan, lying exhausted in his bedchamber, thought, “Cyan is powerful and fearsome. I will take him into battle and feed him our enemies. I will not feed him animals anymore.”
Sir Bradan fed Cyan nothing but prisoners and enemies for another year and a half until the war ended. Then came a time of peace. There were no prisoners or enemies for Cyan to eat, and so he became hungry and restless in his barn. He didn’t want to eat animals anymore. One day, one of the villagers came running and screaming to Sir Bradan. “Sir Bradan! Sir Bradan! The Lady Aislinn’s been killed! Cyan has killed and eaten her!” Sir Bradan was shocked into a disbelieving stupor. Cyan? Eaten Aislinn? It couldn’t be true.
Sir Bradan ran with all his might to Cyan’s barn. He flung the door open and shouted, “Why did you eat my wife!? How could you kill her!?” Then he actually looked at Cyan. The mighty dragon started walking towards him, slow and menacing. His intention was obvious. “Why are you doing this?” Sir Bradan asked in horror. He had noticed a change in Cyan after the war ended, and even before that, but he hadn’t been able to put his finger on it, and so dismissed it. Now, he realized full-on exactly what it was, the new quality that burned in the great golden eyes. Viciousness. Ferociousness. Ravenous madness. Before he answered the question, for the first time in his life, Cyan roared and breathed a colossal column of fire into the air, and his barn began to burn. Sir Bradan was terrified. “I’ve never been hungry before,” Cyan replied. His lyrical, musical voice was gone, replaced with the callous, glacial hiss of a cobra. “I’m a dragon, and people are what I eat.” Sir Bradan seemed to have lost his ability to speak or move. He was frightened and horrified beyond expression. Cyan, the powerful and terrifying dragon, took a step forward and descended upon Sir Bradan the Great Knight.
Cyan was a dragon, and a dragon doesn’t care who he kills or eats. Although Sir Bradan believed that he and Cyan were very close friends, Cyan was always a dragon. Sir Bradan forgot that. Cyan was used to and known for eating people, and when he got hungry, he ate Lady Aislinn and Sir Bradan. The point is that likewise, don’t imagine that a dragon-like person known for devouring people can be your friend without realizing that he may at any pint turn around and devour you.

Romance Novel Chapter

This takes place some time after a grand banquet hosted by the grand knight Sir Alonzo the Great. The great and illustrious (and handsome) Sir Dorian was invited, and fell desperately in love with the lord’s daughter, the sweet and fair Lady Lúthien. She also fell desperately in love with him. Sir Dorian would come to the castle at night every night and stand on the ground outside her window, and would sing her songs of love, and speak words of love, praising her sweetness, her beauty, her “dove’s eyes” (as he called them), and declaring his love for her over and over. Lúthien too loved him and would declare her love for him over and over. Finally, on the occasion of which I speak, she has, after Dorian’s continuous begging, gotten enough courage to climb down the hedges on the side of the castle down to him.

“Lúthien my dearest, I implore you, will you come down to me tonight?”

For weeks, Dorian had asked his dearest love the same question. Also for weeks, Lúthien had wanted to climb down the castle walls to her dearest love, but she feared the climb down, and back up. She was also nervous that one of her handmaidens sleeping in the next room might hear something, come into her room, and find her missing.
For so long Lúthien had wanted so badly to climb down to Dorian, to hold him in her arms, and look into his eyes when she told him she loved him, not from high above on her balcony. She knew her father liked and respected Dorian, and had no doubt he would give Dorian her hand in marriage if he ever asked, but he would never allow it if she was caught sneaking out of her bedchamber and climbing down to him during the night.
However, Lúthien’s fear and nervousness vanished that night when her love for Dorian overpowered them once and for all.

“Yes my darling, at last I will come to you tonight! Only promise me two things.”

So elated he could barely get his words out, Dorian said, “Anything, my love.”

“The first is that you watch carefully as I climb down, and the second,” she gave him a loving smile that made his heart swell, “is that you hold me so close and tight I scream for mercy, for that is what I intend to do to you.”

Dorian complied with his true love’s first request, and watched her carefully as she climbed down the castle walls, talking her all the way down. When she reached the bottom, Lúthien ran into his arms and he was more than happy to entertain her second request. Dorian wrapped her in his strong arms and embraced her fair person close to him and lovingly kissed her sweet, tender mouth. Then, he put his mouth to her ear and quietly sang one of his songs of love. When he finished the song, he whispered,

“This is much better than singing to you from far below on the ground.”

Lúthien leaned her head back, looked into his eyes, and said, “I love you, Dorian.” Then she paused, and said “That is much better than telling you from high above on my balcony.”

“And I love you, Lúthien.” Then Dorian paused, kissed her again, flashed her a smile (her heart nearly melted), and said, “I agree.”

They walked over to a nearby bench under a tree in the yard. Lúthien was true to her promise, and clasped Dorian tightly in her arms. At that moment, with him in her arms and her in his, she determined in her heart never to release him.

Dorian looked right into Lúthien’s “dove’s eyes”, held her hand in both of his, and said “My darling Lúthien, I fell in love with you the moment I saw you the first time at you father’s banquet.”

“That’s when I fell in love with you.” Lúthien said.

“Since then I’ve always thought you the loveliest, sweetest, and most wonderful lady I’ve ever met. I’ve loved you for as long as I’ve known you, and I want to ask you something, before I ask your father.” He knelt on the ground before her, and took her lovely hand in both of his. Lúthien got very excited, because she knew what he was going to ask. What else could it be?

“Lúthien, will you marry me?” Dorian asked, his heart in his hands.

“Yes!” Lúthien exclaimed, running into Dorian’s arms and he picked her up and spun her around, both so happy basking in one another’s true love.

“Tomorrow I will ask your father for your hand. I have no doubt he will grant it to me, but nothing else can be done about it tonight. I don’t want to risk staying out too long, or you father will certainly forbid our marriage, so kiss me goodnight and hurry back to your chamber. Just know, my dearest love, that nothing pains my heart more than to release you at this moment, and also that I love you with all my heart. I am forever yours.”

Lúthien kissed him with all the love in her heart, embraced him tightly, and said “And I love you with all my heart, dearest Dorian. Heart and soul, I am forever yours.”

Dorian’s heart swelled. How he loved to hear her say those words! Clasping her ever tighter to himself, he would have been perfectly content if they could stay like that forever and he would never have to let her go.
But he knew he must. They had been outside for a while, and he couldn’t risk any trouble with Lúthien’s father at all if he wanted to marry her. And he did with every fiber of his being. Terribly against his will, Dorian released Lúthien from his loving embrace, kissed her one more time, and walked her over to the castle wall.
Then, Lúthien started the steady climb up the hedges to her bedchamber. Oh, how she did not want to leave Dorian! Even though she knew they would meet the next night, it still hurt to leave him even for a minute. But all the way up the castle walls, she knew with all her heart that she was being watched by the careful eyes of her beloved Dorian, who was sweetly singing a song of love.

Daniel's Romance Chapter

Crossing through Northern Russia an adventurous trio makes their way eastward from their homeland, Romania. Why would a group of men be traveling eastward through the frigid climate of Northern Russia?

“Fate of the Destined” as they called themselves - the greatest that heroes humanity had to offer. This lengendary group is led by the tactical and courageous lord, Bill’s Donuts, a rather muscular man whose flowing gold hair was the envy of many women that excelled in all things equally. Bill’s Donuts was assisted by Marion of Velox Volo, a short dark man who had speed like the Cheetahs of Africa and McDonald Fata, a large bald man with skin as tough as a Rhinoceros.

The three men were gods among men; they were famous for having survived conditions far more severe than any had endured before them, they had preformed feats not possible for ordinary human beings and battled countless enemies yet always came out on top. Other men would have frozen to death or starved, but there was a reason that Fate of the Destined decided to take on this task.

The Chicken Dunks, a group of evil ice-beasts had repeatedly ravaged the hero’s home village. Due to the fact that Fate of the Destined had been in other countries on different quests by the time word got to them they were too late to stop these impious rascals. The Chicken Dunks could only live within a non-frigid climate very short-term, but since this town was of decent wealth they had done their homework and took a chance expecting our heroes to be on a quest, and their diabolical plan paid off (literally!).

“I cannot wait to teach these fowl beasts a lesson! How dare they attack our village when we were gone! How convenient is that to the plot that there was no other decent defense against these frigid… things!” Bill’s Donuts cried aloud. “Time to eat.” Retorted a yawning McDonald, “Why would we need to eat?” said Marion in response. “Indeed. We may eat when we are victorious.” – A thoroughly empty statement from the leader, almost inaudible beyond the growling of Bill’s Donuts’ stomach.

“I may be an obese man, but we have not eaten in two days. I think it is reasonable to partake in a feast at this point.” Growled the fat man, in agony from hunger at this point. Bill’s Donuts, showing his true feelings “Y-yes… that does seem to make some since, luckily I brought these doughnuts which are full of… vital nutrients, such as sugar!” At this Fate of the Destined put down their gear and set up camp for the night.

Wednesday, April 9, 2008

Joshua's Romance Chapter

Romantic Novel Chapter

Once upon a time, so many years ago, there lived a young knight. This young knight felt he had a great destiny to achieve yet no one would give him the opportunity. Every time the king would call for his knights to come and go to war, the king would leave this young knight to watch over the castle. The young knight was very sad at this because he wanted very much to be one of the greats.
On his way back from the kings’ castle the young knight and his fellow knight came across a young maiden. She was covered in dirt from head to toe and at first glance was considered hideous by his fellow knights. They, being considered great and marvelous knights, pushed the young maiden into the dirt. They spit on her and cursed her for even walking in their path. The young knight who was in the rear of the parade saw this. When he rode past her, he look down and their eyes connected. He in the presence of his servants and fellow knights dismounted his stead and carefully picked her up and set her on his own horse. Upon reaching his own home he ordered his servants to take of her.
The next day the young knight left for business with another knight. The young lady awoke and realized she was in a knight’s home. She began to walk around the house, both inside and out. She saw the beauty of this home and the care that it took to maintain it. The maiden began to walk around the grounds and there she saw a wonderful lake. This lake was deep and inviting. The young maiden had to sit down to take it all in. As she was sitting the young knight, who was with his fellow business partner, saw her true beauty that was once hidden by the mud. He could not describe what he saw because her glory caused him to loose all of his knowledge.
As the young knight stood dumbfounded by the glory of her, the waters of the lake began to moan. The knight regaining his wits saw this creature explode out of the water. The young maiden griped with fear passed out on the cool grass. The monster made a chilling screech that brought the young knight to his knees. The monster turned his attention to the young maiden and he slowly made his way in a disgusting slithering way towards her.
The monster was about to grab her feet to drag her to the bottom of this lake, the young maiden opened her eyes and with a cry for help the young knight leaped upon the back of the monster and plunged his dagger deep into the monsters skull. The monster fell to the side as dead as it could be.
The knights’ fellow business partner saw this and ran to the king and reported what had happen. The king called for the young knight and the maiden and proclaimed the young knight’s name to be mounted among the great knights in the great hall. This great call can not be written but its translation means “Forever”, which became the promise the young knight and the maiden made to each other that very same day.

Jordan's Romance Chapter

The early morning light was just beginning to lighten the edges of the sky when Maggie opened her eyes. She had a full day ahead of her and could feel it calling to get her out of the comfort of the warm blankets. Reluctantly, she swung her legs over the edge of her little piece of the universe where she had spent many nights wondering about her prince charming and if he had gotten lost somewhere. She stretched and yawned as her mind began to put into order her “to do” list.
It had been two years since her parents died and left her penniless and at the mercy of the bill collectors. She was lucky enough to have her cousin, Emma, to watch over her. She moved in with her when the house had to be sold to cover all of the necessaries after the funerals and sundry bills. She barely had the clothes on her back when she left the house for the last time. It would have been depressing if it had happened to anyone else but Maggie Bressette.
Maggie came from a strong Canadian French family who were some of the first pioneers to spread out into the great unknown of the Canadian Wilderness. It had been hard but they were harder and their family made it all the way to the other side of the Rocky Mountains before they had any kind of problems. Her daddy had bought a piece of land and had a cute little house built just for the three of them before they had even gotten there. He thought he had it all worked out until the snow came and delayed their trip by one long year. Her mom and dad’s health just wore out with the waiting and they made it “home” only two months before they passed away. Maggie was on her own in the middle of nowhere until her cousin Emma showed up to rescue her.
Maggie had moved on by now on to a job as a teacher for her small town. She was grounded that way, she saw that she needed to do something to take care of herself and she did it. She was doing a pretty good job of it until one day, Jonah Winken, walked into her life. He was the father of one of her most troublesome of students. She had asked him to come in and have a meeting with her about the problem. He showed up alright and gave her the scare of her life. He yelled and threw things around and nothing she could say would calm him down. The windows of the schoolhouse were open and she was sure the entire world could hear what was going on inside. She was certain this was not going to end well when a shadow filled the doorway of her little one room schoolhouse. She was filled with wonder at the immediate calm that filled the room when Jonah saw who it was that caused the dimming of the sun light. His mouth slammed shut and he began to backtrack to the side door and freedom from what was an uncomfortable situation. Maggie saw all of this and was amazed.
Her first impression of her rescuer wasn’t a mind blowing experience because he was just a normal looking man standing there in her doorway. He was average in height and in looks. He said he was just passing by when he heard the commotion and he just wanted to make sure she was alright. He had Jonah apologize for his tantrum and promise to make his son behave. Her relief was complete when he helped her clean up the mess before he moved on. Her rescuer told her that his name was Ethan Winding and to call on him if she ever needed anything else. The world was right again when he finally tipped his hat and walked down the yard to the street towards the town square.
She had never noticed him before amongst the town people. She thought she had gotten to know everyone because of her position as the town’s only teacher. She had to do some sleuthing in order to find out anything about him. She did all this in the name of finding a way to say “Thank You” for saving her. She discovered that he had a small farm out about five miles from town where he raised the prettiest black sheep. He had no family and so he was out there alone working his place. She loved to say his name, Ethan Winding. She did this often because she found she was constantly thinking of him and his sparkling hazel eyes. She even found herself wandering off in her daydreams in the middle of the school day when she had given everyone time to sit quietly and read. Her constant sighing had been the wake up call that she was thinking about him too much. It was then that she decided that she better figure out how to say “Thank You” and move on.
She decided that she could bake him a cake to show her gratitude. She worked all day one Saturday and it turned out perfect. She was never one to be domesticated and she was usually fine with that. This one time it really mattered to her what he thought about her creation. She packed it up in a little basket and rode out to find his farm. She was told it wouldn’t be too difficult to find. He had a house surrounded by tall pine trees and a big white barn that couldn’t be missed.
She had no trouble finding everything except the man. He must have been out in his fields when she visited. She let herself into the house and left the cake on the table. She was just going to have to do it again when he was there so that she could thank him in person. She felt vaguely disappointed at not completing her mission. She wasn’t paying attention to her driving when her horse got spooked by a blowing leaf and took off running down the rutty dirt road. She let out a good yell and hung on for dear life hoping that the horse would calm down soon. There was a movement out the corner of her eye and it was then that she saw Ethan running down the field towards her crazy horse. He almost fell because he was going so fast. Her horse didn’t have a chance.
She was a trembling mess by the time the buggy slowed and he was her hero one more time. If this kept up she would owe him more than a cake and she blushed at the crazy thought. It was a good half an hour before she could talk coherently enough to ask him to dinner on Saturday. She was afraid he would refuse women didn’t do the asking. Amazingly, he smiled and accepted graciously.
She could think of nothing else for the entire week. What would she wear? What would she fix? What on earth would they talk about? She cleaned and she fussed. She found herself day dreaming in the middle of class time. Her students benefited from her absent minded good humor and were blessed with a much smaller load of homework.
Maggie woke up bright and early on the much anticipated day. When she walked outside to get a look at the day there was a beautiful bouquet of flowers. She was stunned and wondered if Ethan had been looking forward to today as much as she had. She put the finishing touches on the house and the dinner. As she worked, she did her best not to think. If she started thinking, she knew she would go crazy with worrying if he would like her or not.
As the day ticked slowly by to the appointed hour, Maggie paced and primped to the point of distraction. Eventually, she had to get a book and get outside. She settled down to read on the bench nestled in a shaded corner of the porch. She sat there with the book open staring into space seeing only Ethan’s hazel eyes.
Off in the distance, down the road a buggy came stirring up the dust. It looked like a dust storm was brewing if the buggy weren’t noticed. Maggie noticed and was stricken with a heaping dose of nerves. After what seemed like an endless wait, the buggy pulled up and Ethan got out. All of Maggie’s worries instantly vanished when she looked into his hazel eyes. There he was, her prince charming holding another beautiful bouquet of flowers just for her. He had finally found her.

Friday, April 4, 2008

Laura's Romance Chapter

Sir Wolfgang von Germania
Once upon a time in Germania is where it all started. There was a Knight, or at least he thought he was a Knight, that went by the name or Sir Wolfgang von Germania. Now in his feeble mind no other Knight could compare. He sat upon a proud steed, Der Sturm, or 'The Storm' in English. Now if you know anything about the German language 'der' is a masculine form of speaking. However, Der Sturm was actually a half lame mare. In battle a mare dose not hold the same aggression as a stallion making them a bad choice for a steed. Sir Wolfgang believed that his beloved horse was indeed male and if anyone told him different he would tell you "Nien, er ist eine Junge." (No, he is a boy).

Sir Wolfgang also wielded a sword made of a very poor grade of steel. Maybe it wasn't heated correctly in its making do to the many bends in the steal. To him though this sword was great beyond all other and went by the name of Der Metzger, or 'The Butcher'. Contrary to reality, he swore the sword had taken the live of over one hundred pillagers, fifty giants and two dragons. Now whether this was a fabrication of his mind or truth none could contest. So the villagers of the town he had now claimed to protect just allowed this lunatic to go on his merry way.

It was until he started telling them that this year’s harvest of wheat was laced with a potion created by a powerful sorcerer. Of course the people of the village stood there dumbfounded as he told them this. One villager stood amongst the crowd at the top of his lungs he yelled to Sir Wolfgang "Du bist wohl nicht ganz gescheit!" (You must be crazy!). Soon after all of the other villagers joined in. Wolfgang hung his head telling the people that he would hunt down this illusive sorcerer and proves to them that there crop was no good. Not only would he do this outrageous task but he would do it before the harvest that was the day after the next full moon.

With this he jumped on Der Sturm kicked at her... Erm.... His sides and yelled in a mighty voice "Sie gehen!" (Let's go!). A with a tired whinny Der Strum took off at a slow trot to the best of its abilities. Before he started out on his journey he stopped outside of the village to see 'his women', the maiden whom he had named all of his victories in her honor, Tatiana, the daughter of a local pig farmer. He cooed to his maiden from out side of her window telling her of his newest conquest. Like all the other she paid him no mind a giggled at his silly rants. Sir Wolfgang thought of it as a testament that there was nothing for him to worry about and in fact the maiden was laughing at the stupidity of the Sorcerer. "Ich Wiess, ja?" (I know, right?)

He bid her fare well and with that again kicked at his valiant steed’s sides and yelled
"Sie gehen!" just like before, trying to make a dramatic exit. After they had traveled out of the sight of the village he allowed Der Sturm to slow her... Erm... His pace. He feared that his heavy armor was indeed too tough on his loyal friend at times. Now if I had not described our hero before then forgive me. He was a man of moderate height about 5'4', he was actually a bit taller then most during this time period, and weighted close to 148 pounds. maybe the best way to put his mental defect is that he was delusional, for in fact he wore nothing more then a dark blue tunic and a bent up silver helmet. His face could be compared to tried up leather stretched over a bone canvas crowed with large dark eyebrows and a not so neat dark beard. His hair was of the same coloration but was matted and unbrushed. But you know what they say; "Appearances don't count as everything!"

As they made their journey they had passed threw no more then two towns. One was filled with the hope filled dreams of a squire in the form of a young boy named Hansel. Only at the age of eleven he was still a handsome lad with locks of gold and a youthful baby face still clinging to his appearance. How it came to, this boy joined up with our brave knight is quite a mystery. Yes, he was a smart one but a child mind can be molded and they are flooded with imagination. So even though our hero was not so heroic looking this meant nothing to Hansel.

Hansel also brought with him a small mixed breed pony that went by the name of Pferd, or simply put just Horse. So together to odd pair traveled in search of the evil that had plagued Sir Wolfgang’s current home, (The villagers requested that the name of their town not be reviled.) to put a stop to all evil and have justice prevail.

Tuesday, April 1, 2008

Katiann's Romance Chapter

Romance Chapter

Katiann Mazzagatti
English 4 B
Mr. Arman

This is the first time that Colby had been back to his home town since he left for college 10 years ago. He was now back in his small town, it was still picture perfect, nothing had changed; yet for Colby it was a haunting perfect. All of his memories belonged to this town. His heart and soul resided in it. Generations of his family lived in this town. As a child he would walk down to the drug store that his grandfather owned. He would sit at the counter and eat the candy out of the jar. His whole life used to be this town, but now he had a different life. He had left his old life and started a new one. Colby was now a successful business man. He ran a publishing company in Chicago. Everything he was was different, yet it was still the same.

Colby sat in the local coffee shop; the one that he had been in so many times before, but this time it felt different. Everything felt different for Colby; although nothing in the town had changed, he had. Colby sat in the same booth by the same window he had always sat. He just sat there watching the people and the town he once knew. Suddenly someone caught his eye. It was Sadie Rivers. The minute he saw her walk by the antique shop across the street, his heart skipped a beat. Sadie had been his love for so many years. She had been perfect to him, and she always would be.

Years and years of memories rushed back to Colby; taking up every thought he had. The feelings and thoughts overwhelmed him. He thought back to that warm summer night in her backyard. It was their junior year in high school; that year held so many precious memories for Colby, ones that he would never forget. They were lying beneath the stars by the big old oak in Sadie’s backyard. Side by side they would just lie there, staring up at the stars, talking, and thinking. They had some of their best conversations there. Anytime they needed to do some thinking, they would go to that very spot. That spot by the big oak tree held so much value, more value then any new house could offer.

He thought back to that one night, when they lied there talking about their futures. They had planned such a great future together. They were going to go to the local university. Sadie was going to be a nurse and Colby was going to be math teacher. They were going to stay in their town and raise a family there. They talked about their futures together a lot. Even though they were just kids that didn’t know what the future held, they always said no matter what, they would always have each other. Colby remembered that night so clearly. He remembered every word they spoke that night.
They were lying there in their spot and Colby turns over and rests his head on his hand. He just stares at Sadie for awhile and then finally says, “Do ever think about getting out of this town? Starting a new life in an exciting new place?” Sadie just lied there for second, then turned and looked at Colby, “No. This place is exciting to me. This is my home; it has everything I could ever want. It has you.” “But we could go together!” Colby exclaimed, “We could pack up go to a college out of state and start new lives.” “I don’t want a new life,” said Sadie, “I like my life.” They both lied back down. Sadie moved closer to Colby, resting her head on his shoulder, “As long as I have this town and you, I have all that I need,” Sadie softly said. They both just lied there, without saying anything. Sometimes they didn’t need to say anything; just being with each other was enough.

Thursday, March 27, 2008

Hannah W's Romance Chapter

Romance Novel Chapter:

Wesley stood silently facing the two identical doors. He could hear the cheers of the crowd behind him…their thundering chant echoing the thumping of his own heart. Perspiration broke out on his forehead as the sun beat down on him. He knew which he would pick, he had always known. It was a noble way to die, with his love watching from the throne above. She would know how much he loved her…it would be written in his blood. On the other hand life waited behind the other door. He took a step towards it then paused.
He remembered Margaret’s words this morning – it had been the last time he would ever hold her. “Wesley, if you choose the door on the right you will live. No harm will come to you. Father, will merely have you sent to a far off place.”
He had stroked her long dark hair, “What use is living if I am without you? What is a body without a soul? No, love, I would die everyday if that were the price of loving you.”
She had wept in his arms, “Wesley, you must live! How am I to go on without you? I would be happy and free if only I knew you were alive – far away, but still alive.”
“Margaret, my love, death cannot separate you and me. Your father merely frees my spirit from its mortal cage so that I will be with you always.”
Then they heard the sound of the guards footprints, their time together was over. He felt the softness of her hand has she was pulled from him. He breathed deeply and listened as she wept down the hall.
Now the only sound which met his ears was the angry bellows of the dragon on his left. He clenched his fist at his side; death had finally come to him. Approaching the door on his left, he paused with his hand on the knob he turned to face the crowd. Time seemed to freeze as the onlookers stared in stunned silence. Some still sat while others had risen to their feet. His own heart skipped a beat then slowed until he thought it might have stopped all together. Finally his searching eyes found his mark, his lovely Margaret, his beautiful princess. She sat rigidly her full lips parted in an expression of horror. Then their eyes met. Her’s pleaded with him to turn back, to choose life. He smiled at her as though to say: “good bye, my love.”
Realizing what was about to happen silent tears poured from the young princess’ eyes. Then he spoke to the crowd, to her father, to the gods themselves, “And so I die for love!” Gathering strength from her beauty he turned from her…from life itself. He swiftly pulled open the door and rushed inside pulling the door shut behind him. The crowd gasped as a fierce roar came from behind the shut door followed by bone chilling scream… then nothing…all was silent.

Tuesday, March 25, 2008

Don Quixote Permission Slip

Date: _______
Family Field Trip Permission Form

I,____________________________, parent/guardian of student(s) enrolled in OHDELA
do hereby grant permission for the following family members to attend the field trip to the Magical Theatre Company performance of Don Quixote on April 7, 2008 at 10:15 am.

List all family members’ names attending the field trip

In consideration of my family being allowed to participate in the field trip, I hereby assume all risks in connection with the field trip, and further release OHDELA, its staff and volunteers from all claims, judgments and liability for any injury or damage that my family may have due to participation in the field trip, including risks connected therewith foreseen and unforeseen.

Parent(s)/Guardians(s) Signature(and signature of all participants over 18 years of age)


Likeness Release Form

I, , give WHDL of Ohio, LLC (“WHDL”), and its affiliates, permission to use my, and all persons listed above, photo, image or likeness for the purpose of promoting the Ohio Distance and Electronic Learning Academy that WHDL manages. The permission and authorization to use my photo, image and likeness is voluntary and without consideration of any kind, and is a result of my support for OHDELA’s educational program.

Parent(s)/Guardians(s) Signature(and signature of all participant over 18)


Emergency Contact Numbers for April 7, 2008:

____________________________________ __________________________
Contact Person/Relationship Phone number(s)

____________________________________ __________________________
Contact Person/Relationship Phone number(s)

Mail the completed form and check(s) to: OHDELA
121 South Main Street, Suite 102
Akron, Ohio 44308
Attn: Lori Sansone
Or fax the completed form to: 1-800-514-8227
Attn: Lori Sansone
To participate in this activity, the completed form must arrive at OHDELA by Friday, April 4, 2008.

Wednesday, March 19, 2008

Doneisha's Romance Chapter

The Hope Princess

Princess Heather rushed out to the stables to found and tell her best friend, Heart that King Stephen, the Princess’ brother, is on his way home from his meeting with one of the two neighboring kingdoms. Nobody ever went to the other one.
She had to ask several of the stable workers where she could find her when finally Dan, the stable manager, told her that Heart was in one of the back fields with Black Thunder, her horse. Heather rushed out of the stables and made her way back there. When she found Heart, she rushed trying to climb the fence and her dress got caught on a nail that was sticking out causing her to trip and fall on her face in the field.
When Heart saw the Princess fall she rushed to her side with Black Thunder trotting right behind her, to see if she was all right and to assist her up. By the time, Heart reached her side Heather was sitting up and other then the fact that she had dirt on her face seemed otherwise okay. In fact, she was giggling.
“Henny you need to be more care. You could have been seriously hurt.”
By this time, she was laughing so hard that tears were rolling down her face and Heart couldn’t help but join her. For five straight minutes sweet laughter could be heard coming from the fields. Black Thunder looked at the two of them as if they were crazy and then started grazing.
When the stable workers heard it they all ran to the doorway to see what all the commotion was about and saw Heart and the Princess on the ground laughing. They all wondered what it was those two were laughing at but knew it was hopeless to try and find out so they all went back to work. After their laughing spell was over Heart and Heather stayed on their backs and watched the clouds lazy drift by and feel the gentle breeze that had been blowing since early morning.
After a moment, Heart sits up and asks, “You do realize that there is a gate not two feet from the fence you tried to climb over, right?”
“I know there is, but I was trying to be you. You make climbing or jumping over fences look easy.”
“That’s because I’ve had a lot of practice. Now, what is it you wanted to tell me?”
Heather quickly stands up and jumping up and down, shouts “Stephen is coming home! Stephen is coming home!”
Heart shakes her head and then smiles at her. “You are always exited when he comes home. Even though you know he goes to visit the other kingdom once every year.”
Heather puts her serious face on which makes her look a few years older than she really is. “I know, but he’s gone for a week and a half. Doesn’t that give me a right to be excited when he comes home?”
“Yeah, I guess so. Anyways, I guess we better get ready. About what time will he be arriving?”
“Oh, shoot! I was so excited to tell you that I didn’t stick around to find out.”
“Well, go find out then. I’ll be in shortly.”
“Ok, Heart.”
With that Heather climbs over the fence with more success than her previous try and rushes back to the castle. Heart gets up and brushes her butt off. She then turns back to her still grazing horse and says, “Oh, brother. What am I going to with her? If she makes it to twenty without being seriously injured, it’ll be a miracle.”
Black Thunder tilts his ears to her but keeps on grazing.
She pauses for a moment then says, “Do you think her family will notice the dirt on her face?”

Later that day, “Oh, Stephen should be here by now. Where could he be, Heart?”
“I have no idea, Heather.”
The Liberty family and Heart were on the front patio wanting for the safe arrival of Stephen. As the day worn on and there was still no sign of him and his escort, three experienced and one in training, everybody couldn’t help but worry. Heather had sent five soldiers out to found them after they were an hour late. None of the five had come back. Until now.
With Heart and Heather in the lead, all of them ran as quickly as they could to see what they feared the most. Each soldier was leading one of the escorts’ horses. Two were lying face down on their horses. The other two were badly injured, unconscious, and leaning against their horses’ necks. Heart reached them first and knew that the first two were dead. When the other girls reached them they gasped and covered their mouths with their hands, except Penelope. She was looking for her brother. All she saw was his horse being lead and an empty saddle.
“Where’s Stephen?” She asked calmly. No one answered her.
“Where’s Stephen?” She asked again. Still no reply.
“WHERE’S STEPHEN!?” She shouted with everything she had.
“Shut up, Heather. We have to worry about those that are here first. You two, take the boy and his mentor to the doctor immediately or else we’re loose them both and we need them for questioning. Unfortunately, you two take them to the priest, there is no hope for them now and he will have their bodies prepared for burial. Then gather all the horses and take them to the stable workers. They’ll look after them.”
The soldiers hurriedly did what they were told. Meanwhile, Heather had been shocked to silence. Never in all her life had Heart every talked to her that way, had ever told her to shut up. She didn’t know what to think. She forgot that she was the princess and in reality the leader while Stephen was gone. Instead she broke down and started crying.
Heart looked at her for a moment and then walked slowly to her and wrapped her arms around her in the most comforting hug she could give.
“I’m sorry, Henny. But they had to be taken care of first. Listen, your brother has to be alive. If he was dead they would have brought him back with the others.”
Heart ended the hug and then said, “Now come on, we need to go see if either the boy or his mentor is awake so we can ask them what happened.”
So with Heart and Heather leading, they headed back to the castle to find out what happened.

After they had interviewed the boy and found out that the other kingdom with the evil king had attacked them and kidnapped Stephen, an urgent meeting was called.
When Heart and Heather entered the room, it was noisy beyond belief with all the men talking at once. Only some of the conversation going on could be understood but one stood out among all the rest, “someone should go after them and bring him back.”
“Yes, you’re right and I’m the one who’s going to do just that.”
All the men and Heather turned to look at the person who had made that very bold statement, Heart.
“No, Heart. I forbid you to do that.”
“You can’t stop me, Daddy. I’ve made up my mind. I’m twenty-five after all.”
“But Heart...”
“Heather, don’t say it. I know it’s dangerous but that’s a risk I’m willing to take.”
“But why you Heart?”
“Because Henny, I’m all pack and ready to go. I have six days of food for two people and a plan to get there as fast as I can before something bad happens to him. I am, of course, taking Black Thunder. There’s enough horse for both of us and he can run fast even with a couple hundred pounds on his back. I’ll also be taking my bow and arrows and my sword, Lightning Blade, in case I run into any trouble. When I get there I’ll make a plan to get him and get away from there as fast as we can. Besides all that the last thing they would ever expect is a woman coming to his aid so I’ll have the element of surprise on my side. Now if you people are finished questioning me I need to leave. I don’t want him to wait even one day for me.”
Without another word she exited the room, leaving behind a deafening silence.
After a moment, Heather followed her out the door and rushed to catch up before she left. She caught up to Heart outside just before she mounted Black Thunder.
Heart takes her foot from the stirrup and puts it back on the ground. Without turning to Heather she says, “I promise, if it’s the last thing I ever do for you, I will being your brother back alive. I promise you.”
With that Heart mounts Black Thunder and starts for the left entrance to the kingdom. With tears streaming down her face Heather shouts, “Heart! I know if anyone can bring him back alive, it’s you.”
She gets no response from Heart but she hadn’t expected one anyway.

Three days later Heart and Black Thunder arrived on the outskirts of the kingdom. It’s very early in the morning and not a soul is moving about. Soft woos from an owl and the chirps of crickets are the only things that can be heard. They make their way to the castle with all their senses on alert.
When they arrive at the castle, she hides him in the bushes and starts to create her second plan. She knows that the men who kidnapped Stephen couldn’t have arrived but a few hours before her. So she sneaks around watching, gathering information. The guards don’t know their being watched. All the while the sun is slowly coming up over the horizon and it’s getting lighter and lighter.
She’s standing in a crack in a wall facing a big dirt area but watches the sun as it slowly rises over the horizon. When she suddenly hears a door bang against a wall and quickly turns back to see many guards come and stand beside the wall. After a few minutes another person appears in the entry of the same door that the guards came out off. When they see him they all quickly stand up taller as if their lives depended on it. Heart knew that that could be no one else but the evil king she’s heard so much about. He walked out of the building to go sit in his outside throne that just happened to be in the shade. Right behind him was two more guards, half carrying half dragging another man with no shirt on in between them. He was badly beaten and bleeding from a few cuts. Heart didn’t have to see his face to know that was Stephen.
A big ball of rage formed in her stomach. He had only been here for a few hours and they had beaten him like he was no one important! Even though he’s a king too! All the stories she heard about this king were true.
The king had already arrived at his seat and after making a big show of himself, sat down. The three men arrived at the throne and after throwing Stephen on the ground at that king’s feet, which made Heart even angrier, exited back through the door they had all came from.
Heart’s eyes were glued to the scene before her. She couldn’t look away especially when Stephen slowly got to his knees. She could tell that he was hurting, even though he was doing his best to hide it and her heart went out to him.
“What have you got to say for yourself before you die?” The evil king asked.
“You won’t get away with this.”
“Such big words for a man that’s on the ground before me. I’ll tell you what if you pledge alliance to me I’ll be kind and let you go back to your kingdom. What do you say?”
The king got up and walked to Stephen. When he got to him the king grabbed Stephen’s hair and yanked it back saying in the most evilness voice Heart had ever heard, “See I was trying to be nice and let you live the rest of your live in peace and happiness but you refuse my offer and so you shall die.”
The king let go over his hair and stomped back to his throne. When he sat down and nodded his head Heart knew it was time to stop watching and time to start rescuing. She hurriedly climbed down and the last thing she saw was two men approaching Stephen. After she reached the ground she ran to Black Thunder and grabbing his reins lead him to the only other way in and out of that area. This is where her plan went into action. When she reached the entry way she turned to face her horse. She grabbed his bridle so that they could be face to face and asked, “Do you want to go for a run boy?”
Black Thunder was anxious for a run. He had been ever since they arrived here and he knew he was going to get one. That’s why he had wanted so long. But now he pranced in place showing his impatience at wanting too.
“Yeah, I thought you did.”
She mounted, which was a little difficult with all his prancing but she managed. Afterwards, she leans against his neck and whispers in his ear, “Ok, boy. We only have one shot at this so we have to make it count. So let’s go!”

Stephen knew he could take those two if only he wasn’t so tired and sore. He might have been able to take all the others too. He thought this was going to be the end of him. He wasn’t afraid to die because he knew where he was going but... Being only twenty-seven, he had his whole life ahead of him and now it was being cut short. He didn’t regret anything he had ever done. It was the things he hadn’t done yet that he was regretting now. Like saying I love you to Hea... A loud banging noise interrupted his thoughts. He looked up in time just to see black fur and budging muscles and felt an arrow go pass his head and heard someone behind him scream. It ran pass him and he realized it was a horse...a black horse and there was someone on that horse. Someone who wore tan pants and black boots and that was all the farther he could look right now. But he knew someone who wears an outfit like that and he couldn’t believe that she’s here...that her father would allow her to do this. With all the strength he had left he got to his feet.

When Heart and Black Thunder burst through the door all of them had looked her way and was stunned to see a woman. She had only a few moments to put her plan into action and get Stephen before someone regained his senses and attacked.
She didn’t want to kill anyone but if she had to she would. So she shot the soldier that was about to cut of Stephen’s head in the upper arm and he cried out in surprised pain. Black Thunder ran past so he could turn around. Some of the men were quickly gaining their senses back but instead of reaching for their swords or shouting out for more assistance, they just stood there as if they really wanted her to rescue him. Some watched her ride pass; all the others looked at the ground as if they were ashamed. This really confused her but she didn’t have time to ponder it. All the while, the king was completely silent and still.
Heart didn’t want to stop but if Stephen stayed on his knees then she would have to. So as Black Thunder circled back around she looked at him and was stunned to see him standing. She put Black Thunder into a trot and bracing herself held her hand out to Stephen for him to grab it. He ran to get some momentum even though with every step he took pain shoot through his body but he didn’t want to pull Heart off the saddle which he was sure he’d do if she grabbed his hand while he was standing completely still. So for a few painful minutes, Black Thunder and Stephen jogged side by side but after grabbing Heart’s hand he manages to jump on his back. Heart gives him a second to right himself and wraps his arms around her waist. He leans against her, nearly pushing her into the back of Black Thunder but she doesn’t mind. He is so close to her not only could she hear his heavy breathing she could feel it too. She then lets Black Thunder go from a trot to a full out gallop, that he’s more than happy to do, as they race to the exit.
Heart then hears the king shout, “After them! Don’t let them get away or you will all pay,” as they go though it.
A few minutes later, she hears horses behind them but doesn’t bother looking back. She just concentrates on Black Thunder’s running. The people in town are getting up and ready for the day when they hear many hoofs clopping in the dirt road. They look out there windows to see two people on a black horse and the king’s soldiers right behind them. Many say a silent pray to God, hoping those two get away.
They ride to the outskirts of the town with the soldiers still behind them. They enter the forest and Black Thunder with no direction from Heart leaves the trail and starts to weave in between the trees to make them be a harder target to hit.
In the middle of the forest there is a river. In the upper part of the river the edges are cliff-like. But if you go down about half a mile there is a mini waterfall and the edges level out and meet the river. The first time, Heart and Black Thunder arrived at the upper part, they left the trail to find an easier way to cross it because it was very dark then and they had been walking instead of trotting or galloping. When they found the lower level they had to go down a little slope to reach it. Afterwards they crossed the river, went back up to the trail, and headed for the town. But now they were running the opposite way and had no time to go down to cross it again. So right then and there she decided to jump it. Mainly because, she had all the horse she needed right under her since besides being a great runner with plenty of endurance, Black Thunder was also a great jumper with no fear.
She had Black Thunder go back on the trail even though it would expose them. She had him run as fast as he could as the river came closer and closer. Black Thunder knew Heart wanted him to jump it and was prepared to do so. When they reached the edge Black Thunder jumped. When they land safely on the other side they kept running. All of a sudden, Stephen squeezes Heart’s waist very hard. She wonders why but didn’t have time to stop and find out right now.
When they had come out of the trees, the archer had strung his bow and took aim. They thought those three would stop or change direction but they didn’t. They just kept running straight to the river. The soldiers knew or rather thought they knew that those three could never make it over the river. No horse could. So when they did the soldiers were amazed. They quit following them and stopped close to the edge. Their horses were tired and were completely unable to make the jump over. So instead, the archer took aim at Stephen’s back and fired the arrow.

A few hours later they stop for lunch and to give Black Thunder a break. He had been running hard for a long time. Heart is startled when she finds out why Stephen had squeezed her earlier. He had been shot in the shoulder blade by an archer when Black Thunder had landed safely on the other side. Since he’s a head taller than she is, she has him sit so she can take the arrow out and clean all his wounds. Afterwards she unsaddles Black Thunder and leads him to a stream where he takes one big drink and then starts grazing on the cool grass. She leaves him there, knowing that he won’t wander off. She starts to gather wood for a small fire, not knowing that Stephen has been watching her.
After she disappears behind a tree, Stephen lays down on the soft grass and as he slowly drifts off to sleep, thinks, “Heart, you don’t know how much this little journey has changed the life you thought you knew, forever. A secret of your past will come to light and you will find out who you truly are. Nor do you know how much I really love you, especially now more then ever. But soon you will know everything about your past and be angry at me for not telling you. Oh, well. I’ll just wait for that day and then take your wrath that’,” and with those words he drifts into a much need sleep.
Heart comes back from gathering wood and discovers Stephen has fallen asleep. She looks at him for a moment trying to decide if she should wake him up for some lunch or not. Deciding that he has been though enough the pass three days with little to no sleep, leaves him be. She realizes that she’s not that hungry either and decides to just wait until later. She hasn’t slept that much since she went on this quest and realizes that she’s quite tired herself. So she gets two blankets from the saddlebags. She covers him with one and then lies down a foot away from him, covers herself with the other. With thankfulness in her heart, she drifts off into a peaceful sleep.

Tuesday, March 18, 2008

Ciprian's Romance Chapter

This chapter is dedicated to Mr. Arman and the English 4B class.

Ciprian- Hey dude, come over here for a minute. You’ve got to check Cyle out, he is acting pretty weird dude.
Jared- What are you talking about dude?
Ciprian- I am talking about Cyle, acting like he is going to find his perfect girl in a day.
Jared- Haha, dude lets tag along and see what comes out of this.
Cyle- I am going to find the most amazing girl in the world today, she is going to be smart, beautiful, athletic, and a good cook.
Ciprian- Dude, such a female doesn’t exist. You’ll be lucky to find a good cook.
Jared- Dude, I put money he doesn’t find anyone.

The three friends go out to the mall, in search of Cyle’s dream girl. When they arrive at the mall, Cyle rushes up to everyone woman in sight in the parking lot. Finally, they enter the mall, Ciprian and Jared can already feel there guts are ready to bust.

Cyle- I think the first place we’ll check is Finish Line. Finish Line always has young fit women shopping.
Ciprian- This should be good.
Jared- Dude, he is going to get beat up by a chick today.
Ciprian- I wouldn’t doubt it dude, haha.
Cyle- Running up to the first girl he sees in Finish Line, grabs her hand and gets to a knee. My fair lady, thou hast been created by an angel. For no one this beautiful can possibly have been made another way.
Ciprian- Dude, does he see the chick that he is talking to?
Jared- I think all this chivalric crap has gone to his head. I told you we should of burned his books and danced around them like Indians.
Ciprian- Haha, I just thought he liked reading the books man, never did I think that he was going to go get all chivalric with some girl at Finish Line.
Cyle- Still going on attempting to win this lady over with his eloquent tongue. My lady, be mine and I will vow to love you with a burning desire, like the utmost intensity of the sun.
Girl- As long as we go get some pizza.
Cyle- Then it is settled, we shall have our romantic pizza dinner, and live happily ever after, growing old together, and loving one another until death do us part.
Girl- Sure, can we just go get some pizza.
Cyle- Right away my lady.
Ciprian and Jared see Cyle walking out of finish line with locked arms of the girl. Instantly there jaws drop to the ground when they see Cyle holding hands with the girl.
Cyle- Well, as you can clearly see, I have found the girl of my dreams. Now we are off to a romantic pizza feast.
Ciprian- Dude, does he not have eyes? That chick is no chick, she is an old lady. Does that even classify as a girl anymore?
Jared- Haha, dude I don’t even bother asking him anymore.
Ciprian- Want to go get something to eat?
Jared- Yah dude, this has been a very stomach draining day.
Ciprian and Jared went to get something to eat, and Cyle ended up marrying the old lady he met in Finish Line. They all lived happily ever after.


Sunday, March 16, 2008

Ross' Romance Chapter

Sir Wilhelm limped into the clearing, he hobbled over to a large oak tree and slowly lowered himself to the ground. He stretched his sore, stiff body out over the grass and rested his head against the rough bark. As he gazed into the star-filled sky, he recounted the events of the day.
He remembered seeing the family of travelers tied up, in the center of the bandits camp. The terrified looks on their faces as the thieves talked of what they should do to them. He remembered suddenly charging into the camp, sword drawn, filled with rage, as the startled robbers grabbed their swords and charged toward him. There must have been fifteen of them. With the strength of a giant, he had fought and killed every one of them.
As he lay there, Sir Wilhelm tallied his wounds. He had a deep gouge in his left leg, a large cut above his eye, and an ugly gash along his jaw, along with numerous other small scrapes and bruises. As he counted them, he did not feel remorse for his injuries, rather he felt proud of every one of them, as if they were trophies.
Looking up at the stars, Sir Wilhelm dreamed of his royal lady, far away in her stone castle. He wondered what she would think when she heard the news of his heroic feat. Would she admire his courage? Would she maybe right to him and congratulate him? Or maybe she would disapprove. Maybe it was wrong to take the lives of fifteen men, bandits though they may be, in order to save only a family of four. Overwhelmed by these thoughts, Sir Wilhelm drifted of into a deep sleep.

Thursday, March 13, 2008

Stefan's Romance Chapter

The Story of Sir Phil- Romance Novel Chapter.

Sir Phil of Punxsutawney was a knight of the utmost respect, honor, and chivalry. Loved by all in his land he was revered as the ultimate man. One thing that man did not possess though was a true love. Aware of this missing necessity to have the perfect woman by his side, he set on a quest to find such a love, to find a woman that was as much a woman as he was a man. And so he set out on this quest to search the length and breadth of Pennsylvania to find the woman that already possessed his heart.
Coming up the one of many hills outside kingdom he noticed a castle at the top. Riding his glorious stallion as fast as the water pours out of the sky during the summer rains, he charged up the hill to the fortress where his beauty awaited his presence! Arriving at the home sword drawn he noticed something peculiar about the walls that parted him from his future of happiness.
When he rode closer he saw that they were made from old car parts, satellite dishes, bathtubs, rope, plywood, McDonalds wrappers, tin cans and even road kill. Startled at the ingeniously crafted but very peculiar structure he called at the top of his voice in the deepest tone he could muster from his inwards, “Fine lady, it is I Sir phil of Punxsutawney who has come to take you to be my wife!” Awaiting the soft tone of his beautiful bride all he received was silence. Nothing but the wind blowing over the well-crafted structure answered his call.
Peering up at the sun, which shone through mufflers and raccoon bones, Sir Phil began to do what he had never done before. After exhaling softly he began to cry, not for himself but the lady who was meant to be but never was. Sobbing in his hands he felt the presence of something gigantic behind him and then noticed the shadow of something huge and hairy! Just then he heard a sound he never heard before, a gunshot, blasting something behind him! Looking back a gigantic bear stood baffled with a bullet hole in the head. Backwards it fell creating a depression in the earth.
In shock and amazed Sir Phil turned to peer up at the massive walls and was surprised to see a figure standing before him. Elegant and beautiful a lady dressed in white held a shotgun in her right hand. “Nearly had you didn’t he” she commented softly. “Why yes he did my fair lady, and now I see it was me who needed rescuing, not you” he replied. “Right you are sir, now come help me hoist this beast into my castle, we’ll need fresh meat for our wedding, won’t we” she said. “Yes we will” he answered softly.”
Sir Phil found his love and lost his ego all in one shot. And so the two got married and dare I say, lived happily ever after.

Leanndra's Romance Chapter

John Brockman was a well known knight in his town of Manshsterville Iowa. He was usually always keen sensed and he never lost a battle. He stood about seven feet five inches tall. He had a long, scraggly, and course beard. His hair is red like fire and curled like cork screw pasta.
People in the town started to notice a difference in John’s behavior almost immediately. Everyone started to talk about it. The people in the town questioned Henry Masdiff the most because he was John’s squire. But he told them nothing every time. John was lucky to have such a trustworthy squire. At least that is what John himself believed.
The reason John was so troubled lately is because he recently fell in love with the woman of his dreams. He only had a chance to speak with her briefly because she had a prior engagement to attend to. He was still left wondering if she felt the same way. The young maidens name was Esmerellda. Soon they fell in love and were found at each other’s side almost all day everyday. John was finally happy he decided he would ask Esmerellda to marry him in two weeks. That would allow him enough time to purchase the ring.
Things took a sudden unexpected change in their relationship. That following week Esmerellda was too busy to spend even an hour with John. Not to mention Henry was no where to be seen. As the days passed be began to grow suspicious of Henry. He caught him arriving home in the middle of the night. This was something Henry never did before.
Rather than confronting him John decided to wait and follow him the following night. Sure enough that next night John heard Henry leaving. He quickly followed him. Much to his surprise he saw him meeting his love Esmerellda. He was muffled. Then they started kissing. He was mortified. He couldn’t believe that Henry betrayed him.
John was so angry he did something a little crazy. He put poison into Henry’s meal the next evening. Then if anyone asked him he would say he does not know what happened and he told the town coroner that he died from seizures. They left it at that. Of course Esmerellda went back to John for comfort. A week later they were married. From that day on no one spoke of Henry and he was forgotten.

Tuesday, March 11, 2008

Mary's Romance Chapter

Romance Novel Chapter
She wasn’t the princess that was fit for a knight in shining armor, but to him this peasant girl was the most beautiful woman he’d ever known. She even looked stunning in her rags for clothes. She wasn’t prisoner in a castle guarded by a fierce dragon or army; like most of his fellow knights fought for. She was a prisoner to her life style, always doing what she’s told and cleaning this and fetching that.
To see this woman of such beauty carry out these tasks for such filthy and brutal masters burnt him up inside. He must find a way to save her and make her his own. She would be his lady he would come home to after fighting a great battle. She would be the keeper of his home and mother to his future children. He needed to make a battle plan; she was under the ownership of one of the most powerful lords in the land.
He couldn’t simply buy her, to him she was priceless. In order to save his fair lady he would have to battle who ever the lord saw fit to dual. Once he was set on this plan he took the long journey to the woman’s master’s home. He laid down his offer to the lord and told him to choose any man he saw fit to fight for this beauty. He began vigorously training and pushing himself.
Even though he was a knight and had fought many battles in his day and saved many damsels in distress; this would be the most important battle of all. He watched his future lady from a distance while resting between preparing for his dual. Still he did not know who his battle enemy would be, but he knew that no matter what the size or strength of the man, his love for this woman would be strong enough to beat him.
Weeks went by and his fair lady only grew more beautiful as the day came closer to his dual. When finally the day came, all the people of the land came to see. The knight stood in the ring of sand with thousands of chanting men of all social classes surrounding him. He was anxious, his palms were sweaty and he worried of his sword slipping while he was defeating his opponent. Sweat streamed down his face as the hot sun beat down, but the sight of the beautiful peasant girl far in the stands reminded him of his strength and what he has to do to be with her.

Taryn's Romance Chapter

Sun rose high in the afternoon sky, a young lad by the name of Gair, a name meaning small, odd for a lad standing of over six feet tall, worked in the fields outside the home his family rented from a noble knight and his family. His name was given to him by the knight, who had proclaimed that he name the first son born unto his parents.
Gair looked across the fields to the humble home he shared with his parents, six brothers, and two sisters, he tried to think what it would be like to be able make some grander life for them all; and as he thought the noble knight Sir Ard-Greimne appeared, riding his valiant steady upon the dusty road, probably to collect tax money his parents really did not have to spare.
Then it struck him, a knight! That’s it! He would become a knight and change his family lives forever more! Once noble, his family would be rich and would never go hungry again. As he was jumping up and down and shouting with revelation, Sir Ard-Greimne rode by him spraying him with pebbles and dust, Gair coughed and sputtered but didn’t care, he knew what he had to do; if was the last thing he did, he would make his family noble and be rid of Sir Ard-Greimne once and for all! The man was anything but noble, in fact Gair hoped he choked oh his fancy food one day, then maybe he’d relies how precious life was.
That night as his family slept Gair laid awake planning his rise to fame, he would need a new name, a horse, a name for that horse, a lady love, he already had one in mind, armor, and sword. He knew where to find the suit of armor and sword, his father had one from the war he had been forced to fight for the English, it was one of the things they had let him keep. He rose from his bed and went to remove it from its hiding place in the stable. As the night waned he cleaned and polished the armor till it shined, or at least it shined as much as rusty armor could, from years of neglect the armor was as rusty as a well bucket, but the sword looked brand new, that was good enough for him.
Next on his quest was to find a fine stead to carry him where ever he fancied, he knew this job would not be easy, for he would have to steal this fine stead from someone else, for he had no money in which to buy one. He knew it was not a very noble thing to do but what could he do with no horse, nothing! Absolutely nothing! So the next night he snuck out of the house and went on a search. He decided his best bet was to travel to one of the knight’s homes and steal a horse from them, they would have plenty to spare and would not miss one of many.
Finally he came upon a fancy home, surrounded by a great stone wall and its only entrance appeared to be an iron gate. Gair climbed up onto to the gate, as he tried to swing over, he ended up flat on his face on the other side with a big oomph! He slowly rose on to his knees, shook his head and looked around, realizing what he was doing again, he quickly hide among the bushes. He peeked out and looked around, seeing the area clear, he took off for the stable, all the while thinking this knight must be brainless not to have guards anywhere. Once at the stable entrance he found the door ajar, he peered in a saw a young maiden standing in the middle aisle talking sweetly to one of the valiant steeds. He stood and stared, he could not take his eyes from her, she was gorgeous, and her voice so soft. Unfortunately during this process of star stuckness he failed to notice a guard sneaking up behind him, the guard grabbed him from behind and a scuffle began. With Gair being taller and slighter then the guard, he was able to slide from his grasp, he ran into the stable slamming then door in guards face. He leaned against the door, he could hear the guard shouting for help and feel the door rattling with each bang as the guard threw himself against the door, he turned pick a horse to use for escape and as his new fine stead, and was struck in the head with something really hard.
When he came too the young maiden stood over him, shovel in hand, “why’d thee hit me, I meant thee no harm,” he asked rubbing his the sore spot on his head.
She said unto him, “Thee is a stranger and I am not to be out here at night”, then muttering under her breath, “or at anytime for that matter”. Then louder again, “I am a Lady Kathleen daughter of Sir Brian of Ireland.” “Who is thee?”
“I am Sir Ailin of Ireland as well.” he said quickly.
“If thee is a lord why is thee sneaking around at this hour, and on our property?” she asked.
“I lost my trusty stead, I am looking for him.” he said while slowly standing up.
“Well yull not find ‘em here, all these horse belong to my Da.” she proclaimed while slowly backing away until she hit the stall wall. “If thee wished to find thy horse thee should have waited until morning and asked to look around.” “And if thee is such a lord why is thee dressed so?” “Nay you cana be a lord a’tall.” “Thy is a commoner looking to steal, aren’t thee?” she said waving the shovel around.
“Nay, I am no commoner, but thee is right about stealin’ though. I came to steal a fine stead in hopes of restoring my title. For my title, riches, and stead were taken for me when I came from Ireland, but a year ago. I cana live like this anymore. That is why I have come.” he said.
“Then be gone. Leave before they break through the door and hang thee for trespassing and threat of stealin.” she said.
“I shall, but I will never make it back to the gate without being caught without a fine stead. May I please take one, surely your Da has no need for all of them.” he said.
“Nay. Many are just left here in their stalls all the time.” She was thoughtful for a moment. “I know which one thee can have! He never uses him or at least he hasn’t since I was young. He is still strong and will serve thee well. Follow me.” she replied.
The guards were now close to being through the stable doors. “We must move in haste.” she said. “All his tack is there quickly fetch it.” He did her bidding then they quick saddled the horse together. Once mounted he turned to her and said, “Thee is the most wondrous lady I have ever known. I ask thee to be my lady love. I shall one day return and claim thee as my own, for evermore.” Before she could reply the guards burst through the door and Gair, I mean Sir Ailin, rode off into the predawn light.

Melody's Romance Chapter

Somewhere in La Paz there lived a village of peasants. In this village there lived two neighbors, the Gonzales and Flores families. The Gonzales’ had a boy, Amancio, who was six. The Flores’ had a boy, Felipe, who was seven and a girl, Rosita, who was five. Since the two boys were fairly close in age, they spent time together. They imagined going on quests, killing evil giants, and rescuing beautiful damsels. Amancio did not know that he would do such knightly acts when he grew up.
When Felipe was nine, he got sick. After suffering of months, he died. Needless to say, this put the whole family in shock. Since the Gonzales and Flores families were such good friends, the Gonzales’ helped them with the grief. Through this experience, Amancio took over a lot of the older brother duties for Rosita. They got to know each other better and became the best of friends. They spent time together and shared many fond memories. He made sure that nothing happened to her and took her personal safety in his care.
As Rosita grew in age, she also grew in beauty. Soon other boys her age started to take notice of her. Amancio took the matter into his own hands by scaring the other boys off. After scaring off numerous boys, Amancio took a step back and looked at Rosita. He could see that the girl that was his best friend was becoming a beautiful woman. About this time, life again got tough for the Flores’ as the father lost his job. They were struggling with finances and whether the family could be supported. A solution then seemed to arise. Amancio offered to go on a quest for land for the family. Secretly, he longed to come back and marry Rosita when he had the resources to provide for her. He did not tell anyone this, though, because he was a considerate man. He wished not to give her family false hope without knowing that he could provide for her. So Amancio said goodbye to his family and Rosita and headed off on his quest.
A couple months after Amancio left, a man named Bruno came along. He found out about Rosita’s situation and asked the family for Rosita’s hand in marriage. Since the family had no idea about Amancio’s love for Rosita and wanted Rosita to be well taken care of, they agreed. Rosita was wary about marrying this man, since she did not know him enough to love him, but she did not have any say in the matter. Rosita was right to be wary for this man for he was an evil and vile man. He went around the countryside marrying pretty woman and stealing what little possessions their families had.
A week before the marriage date, Amancio returned. He had been successful on his quest and had acquired land and an offer to be a squire to a wealthy man. This man had seen his persistence and heard Amancio tell him about his love for Rosita. This convinced the wealthy man that even though Amancio was not of noble birth, he had the qualities of a knight. On hearing about the wedding, Amancio was devastated. The love of his life was pledged to marry a man in a week’s time. Being the noble man that he was, he put aside his feelings and gave them his best wishes.
The next day, Amancio was out in the city when he overheard two men talking. They were talking about Rosita’s betrothed. They talked about his infidelity and how he was not of noble birth. They said that all his riches were gained from others’ loss. Not wanting to base his actions off of gossip, he checked around. After hearing the same story from multiple people, he decided it was time for action. First, he went to Rosita’s father and told him the truth about Bruno. Rosita’s father then suggested a plan. Amancio laughed and heartily agreed.
Right outside of La Paz there were windmills. Amancio asked to talk to Bruno and they walked towards the windmills. Amancio confronted Bruno and told him that he knew all about what he had done. Bruno then assaulted Amancio. Amancio, being prepared, pulled out his sword. The two proceeded to fight, getting closer and closer to the windmills. The wind started to blow and the arms of the windmills began to move. Amancio dashed behind a windmill and Bruno lunged at him without thinking. The windmill picked Bruno up as he clung onto his sword. It carried him around and around until Bruno passed out. Amancio carried Bruno back to the village and turned him into the appropriate authorities. Rosita, hearing on what had happened, ran to Amancio’s house. She found Amancio and hugged him tightly. “Amancio, you’ve saved my life!” Rosita whispered as a tear slid down her cheek.
Amancio asked Rosita’s father for her hand in marriage and he joyfully agreed. Amancio and Rosita got married and moved on the land that Amancio acquired. Amancio accepted the offer to become a squire to the wealthy man. He earned enough wealth to provide for Rosita, although her greatest joy was being married to him.

Shea's Romance Chapter

Tomorrow would be their 2nd anniversary of dating. William and Ameryese had a relationship that was like none other, they had started off as friends and in time their friendship turned into a relationship. William was ready to pop the big question but he wanted to make the moment special and unforgettable. To start he would ask Ameryese tomorrow on their anniversary. William went down to the lake where he liked to go when he needed to think. It was a place to find answers. William watch a group of children making a sand castle with a trench that surrounded it. William suddenly had the perfect idea how to propose to Ameryese.
William would hire some men to go down to one of the coves off the ocean and dig trenches in the sand to form the words “Will you Marry Me?” After they were done with the digging then he would have them fill in the trench will seashells to make it colorful. William could not wait to put his plan into action. He went at once to find some of his guy friends to help him. The next day he waited until closer to the time when the sun would go down, he asked Ameryese if she wanted to go down to the ocean and have a picnic. She did not think of it since this is what they did a lot anyways. The way that the sun would be setting it would shine right on the place where William had his trenches dug. All he had to do was get her to the top of the hill in time so that she could see it when the sun set. After dinner, they made their way upon the hill to sit on a bench there and watch the sun set. At first he thought that Ameryese would miss it because she was talking about something else. However right in the middle of her sentence she stopped, William looked sideways at her and saw her expression of shock then a smile began to form on her lips. Ameryese looked at William and smiled with a glow in her eyes. He knew the answer but she had yet to voice it. After a few seconds had passed, Ameryese knelt down into the sand and with her perfectly manicured finger she scratched into the sand three letters that would start a long and happy journey with each other. “Yes!”

Deanna's Romance Chapter

Once upon a time there was a beautiful young woman name Alexis. She was a kind, sweet and loveable person. One day while she was riding her horse name Cherry she spotted a handsome young man standing afar he was about 5’9 with brown hair to about his shoulder and had the most beautiful blue eyes she’d ever seen. Being who she was which was not the shy type she decided to ride her horse over there to start a conversation and try to get to know him better. As she approached him she realized he had a mark on his face this type of mark which was the letters KOD she was familiar with it stood for Knight Of Dark. She instantly became even more attracted to him because she knew he was a knight and could protect her from anything. “Hello there” she said to the gentlemen he turned around and with his deep voice said “Hi thy pretty one my name is Ackubar and you my pretty one?” as her face turned bright red as she was flattered he called her pretty she replied “ my name is Alexis” from there on there conversation blossomed and they spent every minute they could together the only problem was Alexis hadn’t mentioned to her new love that her previous love interest was a knight to who had got took to prison and had recently fled and was no where to be fount. This scared Alexis she knew he would be coming after her to possibly kill her because she didn’t want to be with him and he wouldn’t have it no other way if she couldn’t be with him she wouldn’t be with any one. One day as Alexis and Ackubar rode there horses to a remote location to have a little bit of time alone they noticed a big white horse in the distance behind them, but they decided to pay it no attention. As they got to the location they had been waiting to get to Ackubar got off his horse and begun to help Alexis get off hers when the white horse begun to approach them. “Oh no” Alexis screamed “so you thought u could just leave me my dear and I would be fine with it” the mystery man said “who is this Alexis?” Ackubar said it took her a minute and then the words came out of her mouth “ this is my previous love my dear he wont leave me alone don’t worry my love where no longer as one” Ackubar quickly turned to the gentleman and told he to leave and once the man didn’t move at all so Ackubar begun to take his knife out and so did the other man. “Oh no please don’t fight I do not want to see thy blood shed because of me” Alexis said. As they fought one hit after another the man finally got hit with the sword straight to the chest he fell slowly to the ground he was died and Alexis and Ackubar never had to worry about him again they live happily in there village for the rest of there lives and soon started a family together.

Zachary's Romance Chapter

Romantic Novel Chapter

Rich: “Hey Eric, where’s Adam been?”

Brent: “Yeah, he has not come to any of our weekly meetings in months”

Derrick: “Nor has he called me in months, man.”

Rich: “Me either.”

Brent: “Nor me.”

Eric: “Adam is (Eric throws his hands in the air to illustrate what he trying to say) … his head in the clouds. I went to house the other day. Guess what I found?”

Brent: “What?”

Eric: “He let me in the house, took me to his room all the while blabbing on about some new revelation he had discovered. Once in his room, he showed me all the books on his bookshelf. Guess what kind of books they were?”

Rich: “Science Fiction?”

Brent: “History?”

Derrick: “Sappy Romance novels?”

(Eric, Brent, and Rich slap Derrick on the back on the head and called him an idiot, imbecile, and moron.)

Eric: “No! He had medieval book on chivalry, courtly love, knighthood, the Middle Ages and Dragons. Then! Then he started to speak to me about how he was going to open every door for every girl at school in order to impress them with his ‘courtly love.’ Furthermore he was talking as if he was Shakespeare.”

(Hysteric laughter prevailed throughout the room)

Derrick (chuckling): “What he do next?”

Eric: “He took me to the mall and proceeded to show me all the rude and ungentlemanly conduct. (More chuckles) He pointed out this one guy who opened a door for himself but he let it close in the face of this woman carrying a stack of boxes and other things, and she ran into it dumping everything in her hand. Then he said to me, ‘Eric my boy, that is what I speakest of, I whilst show thy how a gentlemen treat a proper woman.’ He walked over to her, helped her pick up her boxes and stuff, helped her carry her stuff, and then opened the door for her so she could walk unhindered. I saw him a few minutes later as they came out of the store, Adam kissed her hand and bowed, probably speaking words of love or something because one moment she had a smile on her face, the next, she slapped him in the face and walked away in a huff.”

(Laughter once again prevailed throughout the room)

Brent: “What is wrong with him?”

Derrick: “What an idiot”

Rich: “Listen up guys, if we don’t do something about this now we may never get the Adam we know and love back.”

Derrick: “True.”

Brent: “What do you suppose we do?

Derrick: “We could tie him up in the closet over there and tickle him until he either stops this madness or wets his pants (laughs hysterically).”
Eric, Brent, Rich (say simultaneously): “No! What are you stupid?” (They smack Derrick with newspapers and magazines)

Brent: “We could steal his books and hide them.”

Rich: “Or we could sell them.”

Eric: “I have an even better idea. We could tie him up in the closet over there and tickle him until he either stops this madness or wets his pants.”

Rich: “Yeah, that’s a good plan.”

Brent: “Couldn’t of thought of a better plan myself”

Derrick (scratches his head): “That’s what I said.”

Eric: “But wait there’s more. Next, we steal all his books on Chivalry, Middles Ages, and Courtly love and burn them in front of him.”
Rich and Brent (simultaneously say): “Good plan when do we start!”

Derrick: (Still scratching his head contemplates how the others liked Eric’s plan and can’t figure out why the others didn’t accept his plan we he said it, but accepted it when Eric said it.)

Eric: “Gather around boys, its time to start planning.” (They group together discuss how they were going to pull it off. Occasionally whacking Derrick on the head for his bird brained ideas.)

Hazel's Romance Chapter

Sir Panza

In the castle of King Sarbaro there was a man who worked in the stables of the noblemen. He seemed to have trouble remembering things, so for what he didn’t remember, his mind would make up for him. His name was Amarillo Panza. One night, Panza, while cleaning out the stables, forgot why he was even there. His mind had been failing him a lot recently. Why, it was just last week he was convinced that he was the daughter of a Swedish duchess!

“Who am I?” he pondered for a minute. “Oh, that’s right!” He exclaimed. “I’m a knight!” Pausing again he considered, “but where is my squire?” He thought, and his mind as usual continued filling in the blanks.. “Oh, he was killed by a mighty dragon. I had forgotten,” he said solemnly. “I guess I’ll have to complete my knightly duties alone.” He was filled with new determination. He gathered a broom handle; to be his lance, a metal pail; to serve as his helmet, and lastly saddled up a black horse.

Amarillo rode the horse to the servants entrance of the castle. Coming out just at that moment was a servant from the kitchen. “I say, milord, what is your name?” The servant looked around confused only to find that he and Amarillo were the only two outside at the time. He pointed to himself in confusion. “Yes, what is your name?” The “knight” asked once again.
“Bob,” he stated flatly. He was obviously to taken aback by the man’s strange appearance, behavior, and questions to say much else.
“I see, lord Bob.” Amarillo dismounted his horse, and took a low bow.
“Lord Bob?” Now the servant was completely confused. “I’m no noble, my good sir.”
“Did you not just now exit the castle?” Amarillo asked.
“Well, I did, yes.”
“Then you must be a king!” Amarillo continued bowing.
Lowering his voice to a whisper Bob said, “Th-that just isn’t true, sir!” Waving his hands in disagreement. “Speak no more of this, for if we are heard, we will both be executed for blasphemies against King Sarbaro!”
“Only Kings live in castles!” the self-proclaimed knight explained. Bob tried to interrupt, but was cut off. “Besides, I can tell by your chin and physique, that you are most definitely of royal blood!” Amarillo smiled and kneeled as Bob rubbed at his unshaven chin. “Hail, king Bob!” he shouted.
“Sh! Sh! Sh!” Bob hushed him. “Quiet! Some one will hear!”
“Let it be known to the world for all I care, my king! For I am a knight who is far more chivalrous than any other knight.” Bob’s heart raced, he was beginning to feel his palms sweat with nervousness. “My lord, what shall I do for you? Send me on a quest.”
Bob quickly thought up a lie to save himself and get rid of this insane man! “Take your steed and ride to the north! You’ll know what to do… Go!”
“Gidd’yep, Goldylocks!” the knight shouted to his horse. Determined, the brave Sir Amarillo Panza rode on. He rode for hours before coming upon a large dragon in the middle of a town far from his own, and many people trapped by the dragon’s massive presence.
Thinking quickly, the knight took the pail from his head, and gathered water from a nearby fountain. In a show of courage, he quickly ran at the dragon, splashing his snout with the pail of water. Smoke came from is nose like a campfire that had been freshly put out.
“You foolish man!” cried a woman from nearby.
“What? Woman, I just saved you from certain death!” Amarillo proclaimed.
“Thanks to you our picnic is ruined! This dragon was going to use his breath to cook our bread and pies!” The woman rubbed her forehead in frustration.
Sir Amarillo Panza was banished from the town. He hung his head in shame as he mounted his horse. “Lets go Goldylocks.” he said quietly to his horse.

While heading back to tell his king about his terrible failure, he found a woman sitting by a river. She had long hair the color of the sun’s rays, and eyes the color of a blue jay’s wings. She was the most beautiful thing he had laid eyes on.
“Hello there, fair maiden, what is your name?” Amarillo asked in a soothing tone, as he dismounted his horse. .

As the women looked over the oddly dressed man she said, “I do not think it would be smart of me to tell you.” She spoke with a tone low and rumbling like a bubbling bog. A strange voice, indeed to be coming out of a woman!
“Then I shall address you as Rosella!” He spoke proudly, with a voice of confidence. “And my dear Rosella, you shall be my lady.” He kissed her hand gently, only to receive a slap on both cheeks afterwards. Though her hand appeared graceful and delicate, she hit with the force of a skilled oarsman. “That hurt, my dear Rosella.” He blinked at her, as his eyes filled with tears.
“Rosella isn’t my name!” She cried. “And I don’t even know you!” She gasped.
“I am Sir knight Amarillo Panza… humbly at your service.” He smiled sweetly, though his image was ruined by the bucket on his head, the broom handle at his side.
“You? A knight?” She laughed loudly.
“Do not speak, my dear. For your beauty will only be ruined by it.” He embraced her as though she were his lover. The girl made an irritated face at him. What was he doing? This man was certainly crazy!
“I’m married.” She stated flatly.
“Isn’t it wonderful?” He smiled sweetly. His mind filling in details for him again. “I’m so glad that we did get married after all!” the gasp she made at this statement was not so much from what he said but that he was gripping her tighter and tighter around the waist.
“For us to be able to spend time together like this? Do you not think it great?” He dramatically waved his free hand off to the side as the young maiden struggled against him. “That you, a lowly commoner, would be married to a man of great nobility and strength such as me?” He laughed loudly and with much pride.
The maiden reached for the broomstick at his side, and once she had a good hold on it, she brought it up and struck him on the back of the head. The shock caused him to release her. She struck him twice on the calves, and cursed loudly at him. “Ye, verily, I have been defeated by my own weapon!” He held up his arms in defense, and backed away. “If it is what my dear lady wishes, then I shall leave.”
The woman crossed her arms and tossed the stick at him. “Thank goodness,” she sighed.
“But fear not, my love! I shall return to you one day.” He promised as he tied the broom handle back to his side, and hopped onto his horse. With a wave farewell he was off, thinking only of his fair maiden, Rosella.
On his way back to the kingdom, he found a village in chaos! A well known evil warlock by the name of Vic Mignogna was cackling as he used his magic staff to burn down the houses of the innocent townspeople!
Amarillo mustered up all of his courage; this was going to be one mighty battle. He could possibly die. But if it meant saving these poor people, he had to chance it. It was his duty as a knight.
People ran this way and that way as Sir Amarillo Panza charged with great speed at the evil sorcerer. Flames and ember swayed about in the harsh wind that blew from the mouth of the magician with each powerful laugh, Sir Panza could feel sweat pouring down his brow as the seconds went by in slow motion. Vic Mignogna slowly turned his head, just as our brave knight reached out with his broom stick. Suddenly time began to catch up with itself, as Amarillo struck the warlock on his left temple! The evil magician fell to the ground unconscious. Panza looked about as townspeople began to calm down, realizing that the wizard had been defeated.
“Who has defeated Sir Mingogna!?” cried out a strong farmer in glee. “Sir, was it you? Did you save us?” asked the man, while pointing a think calloused finger towards Amarillo Panza.
Sir Panza would have happily taken the credit… had he remembered who he was. But as it were, he had once again forgotten his identity.
“Not I, sir.” Amarillo said with a simple shake of the head. “I’m just a plain old stable worker.” Nobody in the village had seen their savior, but he was standing amongst them all, now calling himself a commoner! He would never be praised for his heroic acts, nor would he be known as Sir Knight Amarillo Panza ever again.

The End.