Saturday, April 12, 2008

Daniel's Romance Chapter

Crossing through Northern Russia an adventurous trio makes their way eastward from their homeland, Romania. Why would a group of men be traveling eastward through the frigid climate of Northern Russia?

“Fate of the Destined” as they called themselves - the greatest that heroes humanity had to offer. This lengendary group is led by the tactical and courageous lord, Bill’s Donuts, a rather muscular man whose flowing gold hair was the envy of many women that excelled in all things equally. Bill’s Donuts was assisted by Marion of Velox Volo, a short dark man who had speed like the Cheetahs of Africa and McDonald Fata, a large bald man with skin as tough as a Rhinoceros.

The three men were gods among men; they were famous for having survived conditions far more severe than any had endured before them, they had preformed feats not possible for ordinary human beings and battled countless enemies yet always came out on top. Other men would have frozen to death or starved, but there was a reason that Fate of the Destined decided to take on this task.

The Chicken Dunks, a group of evil ice-beasts had repeatedly ravaged the hero’s home village. Due to the fact that Fate of the Destined had been in other countries on different quests by the time word got to them they were too late to stop these impious rascals. The Chicken Dunks could only live within a non-frigid climate very short-term, but since this town was of decent wealth they had done their homework and took a chance expecting our heroes to be on a quest, and their diabolical plan paid off (literally!).

“I cannot wait to teach these fowl beasts a lesson! How dare they attack our village when we were gone! How convenient is that to the plot that there was no other decent defense against these frigid… things!” Bill’s Donuts cried aloud. “Time to eat.” Retorted a yawning McDonald, “Why would we need to eat?” said Marion in response. “Indeed. We may eat when we are victorious.” – A thoroughly empty statement from the leader, almost inaudible beyond the growling of Bill’s Donuts’ stomach.

“I may be an obese man, but we have not eaten in two days. I think it is reasonable to partake in a feast at this point.” Growled the fat man, in agony from hunger at this point. Bill’s Donuts, showing his true feelings “Y-yes… that does seem to make some since, luckily I brought these doughnuts which are full of… vital nutrients, such as sugar!” At this Fate of the Destined put down their gear and set up camp for the night.

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