Friday, April 4, 2008

Laura's Romance Chapter

Sir Wolfgang von Germania
Once upon a time in Germania is where it all started. There was a Knight, or at least he thought he was a Knight, that went by the name or Sir Wolfgang von Germania. Now in his feeble mind no other Knight could compare. He sat upon a proud steed, Der Sturm, or 'The Storm' in English. Now if you know anything about the German language 'der' is a masculine form of speaking. However, Der Sturm was actually a half lame mare. In battle a mare dose not hold the same aggression as a stallion making them a bad choice for a steed. Sir Wolfgang believed that his beloved horse was indeed male and if anyone told him different he would tell you "Nien, er ist eine Junge." (No, he is a boy).

Sir Wolfgang also wielded a sword made of a very poor grade of steel. Maybe it wasn't heated correctly in its making do to the many bends in the steal. To him though this sword was great beyond all other and went by the name of Der Metzger, or 'The Butcher'. Contrary to reality, he swore the sword had taken the live of over one hundred pillagers, fifty giants and two dragons. Now whether this was a fabrication of his mind or truth none could contest. So the villagers of the town he had now claimed to protect just allowed this lunatic to go on his merry way.

It was until he started telling them that this year’s harvest of wheat was laced with a potion created by a powerful sorcerer. Of course the people of the village stood there dumbfounded as he told them this. One villager stood amongst the crowd at the top of his lungs he yelled to Sir Wolfgang "Du bist wohl nicht ganz gescheit!" (You must be crazy!). Soon after all of the other villagers joined in. Wolfgang hung his head telling the people that he would hunt down this illusive sorcerer and proves to them that there crop was no good. Not only would he do this outrageous task but he would do it before the harvest that was the day after the next full moon.

With this he jumped on Der Sturm kicked at her... Erm.... His sides and yelled in a mighty voice "Sie gehen!" (Let's go!). A with a tired whinny Der Strum took off at a slow trot to the best of its abilities. Before he started out on his journey he stopped outside of the village to see 'his women', the maiden whom he had named all of his victories in her honor, Tatiana, the daughter of a local pig farmer. He cooed to his maiden from out side of her window telling her of his newest conquest. Like all the other she paid him no mind a giggled at his silly rants. Sir Wolfgang thought of it as a testament that there was nothing for him to worry about and in fact the maiden was laughing at the stupidity of the Sorcerer. "Ich Wiess, ja?" (I know, right?)

He bid her fare well and with that again kicked at his valiant steed’s sides and yelled
"Sie gehen!" just like before, trying to make a dramatic exit. After they had traveled out of the sight of the village he allowed Der Sturm to slow her... Erm... His pace. He feared that his heavy armor was indeed too tough on his loyal friend at times. Now if I had not described our hero before then forgive me. He was a man of moderate height about 5'4', he was actually a bit taller then most during this time period, and weighted close to 148 pounds. maybe the best way to put his mental defect is that he was delusional, for in fact he wore nothing more then a dark blue tunic and a bent up silver helmet. His face could be compared to tried up leather stretched over a bone canvas crowed with large dark eyebrows and a not so neat dark beard. His hair was of the same coloration but was matted and unbrushed. But you know what they say; "Appearances don't count as everything!"

As they made their journey they had passed threw no more then two towns. One was filled with the hope filled dreams of a squire in the form of a young boy named Hansel. Only at the age of eleven he was still a handsome lad with locks of gold and a youthful baby face still clinging to his appearance. How it came to, this boy joined up with our brave knight is quite a mystery. Yes, he was a smart one but a child mind can be molded and they are flooded with imagination. So even though our hero was not so heroic looking this meant nothing to Hansel.

Hansel also brought with him a small mixed breed pony that went by the name of Pferd, or simply put just Horse. So together to odd pair traveled in search of the evil that had plagued Sir Wolfgang’s current home, (The villagers requested that the name of their town not be reviled.) to put a stop to all evil and have justice prevail.

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