Monday, February 4, 2008

Melody's Lightner's Folk Tale

There once was a boy named Matt. Unlike most of his friends, he enjoyed school. He liked the good feeling he got after a hard day’s work. Although, being a normal boy, he sometimes got distracted. One day, he was working on his schoolwork and he noticed something. “Hey, I only have two more assignments today!” He was anxious to be done and looked at the TV guide. He noticed that his favorite movie was showing that evening. Oh boy! He thought to himself. I only have two things to do. I can wait to do them after dinner. All of the sudden, a little man in white appeared.
“Don’t wait son. Do the work now. Then, you can enjoy that movie tonight without worrying about your work.”
A cloud of dust rose up and a dark looking man in pink appeared.
“Wait,” Matt said with a confused look. “Aren’t you supposed to be wearing red?”
“Well kid,” the little man replied, “I would be, but someone washed my suit with the whites!”
“Hey, it’s not my fault,” the little man in white retorted, “if you want me to wash the laundry, you need to sort your own clothes.”
“Hey! It isn’t easy being evil you know!” the man in pink yelled. “I don’t have all that free time to wash clothes or sort them for that matter.”
“Hey, can you two argue some other time?” Matt asked.
The two little men sheepishly nodded their heads. “Ok” Matt cleared his throat. “Didn’t you have something you needed to tell me?”
“Oh no,” the little man in pink said, “I just came to tell you that you should wait until tomorrow to do your schoolwork.”
“That’s a great idea!” Matt said. “Tomorrow is Saturday!” So, Matt didn’t finish up his work and instead grabbed some food and headed in to watch his movie. When it was over, he called his best friend and talked with him until midnight. Finally, he decided to go to bed. In the morning, he woke up and nonchalantly glanced at the TV guide again.
“Oh my gosh!” Matt exclaimed. There was a marathon of his favorite TV show. He grabbed some cereal and plopped down on the couch. He vegetated like this for the whole day and seemed to have forgotten all about his work. At 7 p.m. the little man in white appeared.
“Son.” Matt was startled and his biscuit flew in the air.
“Aahhh!” Matt yelled.
“Sorry to scare you,” the little man apologized. “I just wanted to remind you about that schoolwork of yours.”
“Oh!” Matt exclaimed, “I totally forgot! I better go do that.”
Just then, the dark looking man appeared in green. “Hey kid!”
“Aahhh!” Matt screamed.
“You scared the poor…” the little man in white scolded, “why are you wearing green?”
“I didn’t mean to scare him. Oh, do you like it? Mom said it matches my eyes.” The little man in green said with a grin. “What’s this biscuit doing on the floor? What have they taught you in school?! Wasting food…”
“Oh sorry,” Matt replied. “Is there something you wanted to tell me?”
“Oh no,” the little man in green replied, “Just that…Well it’s too late to do any work. You can just do it tomorrow.”
“Oh yea!” Matt exclaimed, “Tomorrow’s Sunday.”
“I wouldn’t do that if I were…” the little man in white tried to say.
“Great idea kid!” the man in green interrupted. With that, Matt went on with his evening and went to bed. The next day he went to church, but instead of coming home afterwards, he went over to a friend’s house. When he got home in the evening, he went straight to bed because it was late. On the way up the stairs the little man in white appeared with the dark looking man in blue.
“Why are you wearing blue?” the little man in white asked.
“Dad says it matches my eyes. What do you think?”
“I’m not even going to answer that,” the little man in white muttered. “Son, did you forget about your schoolwork?”
“Oh man! I totally forgot,” Matt said.
“Don’t worry kid. You have tomorrow morning before school,” the man in blue said.
“Your right,” Matt said. With that, he finished up the stairs and went to sleep. The problem was, because he went to bed so late, he forgot to set his alarm clock for school. He finally woke up only in time to get on his clothes on and rush out the door. He barely made it in time for his first class. At the end of class, the class was supposed to hand up the assignments. Unfortunately, because of his procrastination, Matt was unable to hand in the assignment and ended up receiving an incomplete.
The moral of the story is: Don’t put off for tomorrow what you can do today. Oh, and don’t wash your whites with your reds.


Jewel_girl said...

Haha! That was cute, Mel. I loved it. :)


Anonymous said...

lol, that was awesome! said...

Wow, Mel that was awesome. I love it and I totally agree with both morals. lol :)